It's been a while since I've been tagged for a meme. Well, actually I've been MIA from lj for most of the year so maybe that's not true. Anyway, thanks
traidao for thinking of me! I have nothing to do at work for the next hour so...yeah...thanks :)
A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
This is a pretty generic one, huh? Doesn't make it easier tho...
1) I've been following a meal plan that a nutritionist gave to me at a diabetes class I took at Kaiser. It breaks down how many servings of meat, dairy, fruits, vegetables, carbs & fats I should eat at every meal and snack. It's all about portion control! When I stick to it I feel great and I can tell that my blood sugar levels are normal. I'm not diabetic, but I have not so pleasant reactions to too much or too little sugar. I've been eating this way for about 1.5 years and I feel great.
2) I gave up on coupons. The products that offer coupons are not really items that I buy anymore. I've also stopped doing massive grocery runs and started picking up items that I need at the moment. It means going to the store a few times a week, but I don't have to deal with being in the store for more than 10 min and I can usually walk home with the groceries I've bought. This is a habit I've adopted with John.
3) I'm moving into a house this month! We start packing on Sat, we move some stuff on Sun and we're moving furniture at the end of the month.
4) I'm becoming a morning person. Going to sleep early & waking up early is much, much easier now. Having coffee before I head to work helps a lot. Most weekends I'm up by 9 at the latest and I get the most done before 3p. I've had a lot to do lately, so being able to jump out of bed early has really become important.
5) I haven't finished an entire alcoholic drink since June 1st. The few times I've had about half a drink I felt shaky and feverish for a few hours.
6) I've started a library of catalogs, sample books and reference magazines from vendors that I use for film production and event decorating. I noticed that both Production Designers I've worked for reference their collections often, so I started picking up catalogs & business cards everywhere I go. It's kinda cool to flip through them. I'd love to get my hands on catalogs for molding, hardware, vinyl, and (more) fabric.
7) I've rediscovered t-shirts. They're comfortable, they're easy to wash and they fit me so much better than they used to! I dunno if it's the material or the cut, but t-shirts are actually flattering on me (imo).
I am tagging:
uti ,
pinguino ,
hkdb ,
xcbear82 ,
qwiki ,
bunny_427 ,