Feb 19, 2008 06:21
So I go online to write a post but first check my friends page to see if anyone is up to anything interesting. Initially it seems all my friends have de-friended me, I think to myself, "I could see a couple of these folks deciding they hate me all of a sudden for no/little reason, but all of them? I haven't even written to some in weeks/months why today?" I knew Audesapere would write SOMETHING after her major event, so I went to see if she had de-friended me...nope! Turns out Mozilla signed me out?!? Anyway, now that I know I still have a couple friends back to your regularly scheduled postings...
Had a really bad nightmare last night. The worst I've had in YEARS. When I was little I had re-occuring nightmares, but not so many lately so that was good, but last night was one of the worst. When I was little people always died, but now horrific things -possibly- worse than death happen to them. I think this particular dream could make a good horror movie, but I doubt I'll ever write it down cause then I'd have to kinda re-live the dream. I don't want to. I couldn't even fall asleep again well after that dream.