I think this was really funny
[4:24:37 AM] Joe Merritt says: yea, it took FOREVER for my computer to restart
[4:24:44 AM] Joe Merritt says: we were all confused as to why
[4:25:15 AM] Sarah Lagoon says: it hates you
[4:26:05 AM] Joe Merritt says: :( It shouldn't hate me, I'm nice to it. We work together and get stuff done. Although I get all the pay, it gets the electricity it needs to live. I changed my path environment variable.
[4:39:58 AM] Sarah Lagoon says: maybe you should give it a snack every now and then. Download a wire diagram or something
[4:40:09 AM] Sarah Lagoon says: look at the capacitors on that baby!
[4:44:59 AM] Joe Merritt says: capacitors seem more manly
[4:45:10 AM] Joe Merritt says: they store up a load and then burst
[4:45:22 AM] Sarah Lagoon says: but they can burst rapidly
[4:45:29 AM] Sarah Lagoon says: you're more like a diode
[4:45:57 AM] Joe Merritt says: I see women more as resistors. Or maybe a flux capacitor, because nobody understands how one works, but everyone wants one
[4:46:24 AM] Sarah Lagoon says: anyway your computer would surely enjoy some computer pr0n
[4:47:03 AM] Sarah Lagoon says:
http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.fastchip.net/howcomputerswork/diagrams/d101.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.fastchip.net/howcomputerswork/p24.html&h=850&w=640&sz=28&hl=en&start=13&tbnid=HDcjnBywkBOwCM:&tbnh=145&tbnw=109&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dprocessor%2Bcircuit%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DG[4:48:01 AM] Joe Merritt says: heee, I will try leaving that window open, maybe the computer will appreciate it
[4:48:23 AM] Sarah Lagoon says: hehehehe its something Bender would enjoy i think
[4:48:28 AM] Sarah Lagoon says: its a "fast chip"
[4:48:37 AM] Sarah Lagoon says: common what computer wouldn't want a fast chip?