
May 07, 2005 20:10

Back home. Trippen on Prozac. yeay./
rippin shit to my ipod , getting pissed off at this Jack in the box winner, fuckin trying to rip Brittney, Crazy (you know) and it doesnt apparently know about some shit fuckin i duno. wont hurk. er work . hrm. so yeah im moving, only to up the street tho like by (for those who know) the crappy taco restaurant on 15th like with the little cart dealio by the safeway. BUt yeah im like either going back to rehab or just moving and going to AA/NA like tommorow i guess. i duno its something different. never tried it before. My moms friends seventeen year son will be driving me i guess. i havent met him yet but ive heard about him, he was like all trying to grow mushrooms in his closet and my moms friend (er well Marci) like sent him to rehab i guess like 11 months ago or he had some pschiatric problem so well get along famously i believe, hes on meds too and sounds just generally hella cool i spoke to him today and my sobriety is going to be in my hands, not any programs, thats why i really dont want to go to inpatient anymore ever. i smoked some pot yesterday and it just got me super wacked out and paranoid with my meds or something it was wacky so i dont think im going to do that again.... (why am i lying to myself, im stoned right now, bout to go take another hit)eh its not bad i get something to pick me up, something to go to sleep, and something to make me feel happy so its kind of like doing drugs and or alchohol its cool beans isnt that what sober people say. so dont tell me about a fake drug war ....... blahhhhhhhhhhh im alot happier being at home though well temporary home. The new house is alot nicer and its tight cause its adjacent to Pinehurts park (ah i cant stop shaking my leg) so hopefully my little brother will always be gone and will become the big sports star (cause hes seriously promised me a million dollars) and i need him to get out there and make me my money... like i should start dealing to him and crap cause he always has more money than me, always wants to go get food w/ me. even my mom and me are like friends now its weird. blah
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