Introduction to the Inter-World

May 16, 2009 22:52

First off, the Inter-World is a place of much wonder, for it is the internet itself and all of the websites there. For example, If you go to on your browser, in the Inter-World, your Inter-World Self, or I-WS, is in a white room with a colorful gentleman behind a cluttered desk. This may or may not be your Home-Realm. Each website is its own Realm, and once you change website addresses, your I-WS changes Realms by teleportation. Quite a concept. So, another example would be a fine website, Take it that you go there. It is its own Realm and takes on the appearance to look somewhat like it would on your computer monitor.

Your I-WS has no part of you. But you experience the same things, for you control it. Your I-WS has no idea, and believes that it is doing its own actions. Your I-WS is either your main username [like mine, Schmiggipoo] or your Original Character if you have many different usernames for various websites/Realms.

The Inter-World is a wonderous place. Obviously we see it every day, or every other day, or however often you walk into the door of the INter-World. Whenever you aren't on or in, your I-WS is asleep. So sleep tight.
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