May 18, 2004 18:40
I know this may sound idiotic, but I absolutely love school! Honestly, my classes are slowly coming to a close and are essentially in cruise control at the moment. Not only has the workload been slashed considerably but also classes have essentially transformed into playgrounds of youthful innocence.
Chemistry was definitely worth the trouble and “food week” has moved me to realize this unyielding truth. Sams is such a great teacher and his class has been one of the best. Today we made tacos and I honorably staffed the browning stage of the preparation process. Along with my immensely gifted and well-qualified team of associates (Tiff, Alex, Cynthia, and of course Sams) we cooked like there was no tomorrow. We did hit a bump though when we realized that there simply was not enough meat to go around. Luckily Sams had blocks of ground beef…yes I say blocks because they were encased in ice and strangely reminiscent of a frozen prehistoric man.
We have been in the library for the past couple of days supposedly working hard to gather information necessary to complete our debate papers. I on the other hand have been using the time to talk with friends and surf the www. Tragically Schmus caught me red handed as I was looking over Benihana’s work hours (I am applying for a job!) Schmus was awesome though. He poked fun and embarrassed me a tad bit but nothing big. In fact, he returned minutes later and brought up a very helpful article on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction program. Thanks for the heads up Kriss! Vu we must get to work.
I thought I was going to perish in Bracho’s today. I usually enjoy the deep discussions but I felt mentally devoured. However, for all of the discussing and reflecting we took part in, it tragically balanced out with interminable writing topics. I have come to loathe the infamous “I just want you to jot what comes to mind.” For me and many other students, this is simply impossible. I truly find it difficult to condense the “profound” ideals that undeniably inspire scholars to write millions and millions of pages dedicated to analyzing such philosophy. Who is he kidding…he is in no way void of fair and balanced teaching.
Journalism was great I guess. I did what I do best, ushered others to work harder! We are ardently laboring on senior class wills and thus far, all has gone well. At this time, I would like to confess that I am a very slow typist, causing others to gather around me like annoying insects. Thanks Tiff lol! “There’s no place like home.” Dan and I enjoyed a mock prison blade fight, which he inevitably won due to his height.
In other news, I am now captain of the best damn volleyball team Los Altos has ever seen. My first pick…it was a tough choice but I decided to go with M! I just cannot get enough of her spry jumps and hilarious but cute “fudge” cry ;0) You are fantastic. Stop chasing after the darn ball M…I’ll go!
People really know how to bring a guy down. I am currently contemplating disavowing my gentleman persona and orchestrating some outrageous act that will absolve myself of certain “rumors.” What a harsh world…lol!
I’ve gotta run…literally.
(Sorry about the typos)