(no subject)

Aug 31, 2006 14:30

Well after more than 30 days offline, I FINALLY am allowed back online again. And Hotmail, those fuckers, decided that since I had not logged on in more than 30 days, they could delete ALL MY OLD EMAILS!!!!! I have had that damn account since '99, and all those old saved emails are GONE! I had emails from Jess when she liked me, from Jess when she didn't like me, from boys that I screwed around with in college, from Tiff when we first started our whole affair.....all gone.....sniff, sniff.

In other news, I have resigned from my job. I will be 26 a week from Saturday, and....I am unemployed. Good for me. That's what I think. I have spent this past week not getting dressed, spending money I shouldn't spend at Target, cooking, and watching soaps. It's been great.

I finally worked up the courage to tell Joni last night. She was much better than I thought she would be. I only cried a little bit, when I told her how much not wanting to disappoint her drives me. She said she doesn't mean to put all that pressure on me, and I'm her daughter and she will love me unconditionally, blah blah blah. So it was a good talk.

Today I spent four hours on monster.com and posted for ten different positions within the Asheville area. I also went to Office Max and had twenty copies of my resume printed front and back on nice parchment paper which only cost me $25. Raping bastards.
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