Aug 25, 2006 18:05
How much have YOU changed?
5 YEARS AG0.....
How old were you?: 16
Where did you go to school?: Cherry Hill East
Where did you work at?: No where
Where did you live? The HIll
Where did you hang out?: Sarah's
How was your hair style?: Long. Brunette
Did you wear braces?: never had them
Did you wear glasses?: never had them either
Who was your best friend?: Sarah... Jami... um... Courtney
Who was your celebrity crush? Josh Jackson
Who was your regular-person crush/boyfriend? When i just turned 16 i was still dating Scott
how many tattoos did you have?: 0
How many piercings did you have?: just my ear lobes
What car did you drive?: I was driving Sparky... with my daddy in the front seat since i only had a permit.
What was your favorite band/group?: hmmm... i just dont even know.
What was your worst fear?: Clowns
Had you smoked a cigarette yet?: no
Had you gotten drunk or high yet?: no.
Had you driven yet?: only with my permit
Had you been to a real party yet?: yes. Scott had one when i was a freshman... the seniors trashed his house and stole a ton of shit, while he was upstairs puking from too much to drink.
Had your heart broken: yes
August 2006
How old are you?: 21
What grade are you in? senior of college
Where do you go to school? Rutgers
Where do you work?: Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital
Where do you live?: 58 Stone... NB
Where do you hang out?: my house
How is your hair style?: BLONDE
Do you have braces?: no
Do you wear glasses?: no
Who are your best friends: Sarah, Arielle, Jen, Holly, Michie, Dara
Still talk to any of your old friends: Ari and Sarah and Dara
Who is your celebrity crush?: Andrew McMahon
Who is your regular-person crush/boyfriend?: no one
How many piercings do u have?: 5
How many tatoos?: none
What kind of car do you have?: 2000 Jetta
What is your favorite band/group?: Johnny Mayer
What is your biggest fear?: clowns
Have you been to a real party?: yes, many
Has your heart been broken?: yes
Have you driven yet? yes
Have you been drunk/ high yet?: Simultaneously.