(no subject)

Sep 26, 2007 18:54

I'm seriously considering a layout incorporating this:

Oh the lolz. And speaking of lolz, have you ever actually read lj's 404 error messages? Refresh it a few times.


And now for an update on my favourite line of physics/computing research, quantum computing.

"For the first time the components that underlie quantum computing's great potential - qubits - have been linked on chips like those in conventional computers. Two US research teams used superconducting circuits to make two of the quantum components linked by a quantum information cable or bus.

The bits that work together on calculations in a normal computer can exist in two states - either 0 or 1. But qubits can inhabit both at once, allowing them to process many calculations simultaneously when they get together.

Qubits can be made in different ways, but so far most schemes don't lend themselves to mass manufacture. Putting them onto chips like those in conventional computers could unlock the economies of scale that have driven the rise of electronic computing."

Saswato Das
The New Scientist

Quantum computing is of particular interest to the NSA because it's believed that it could revolutionize codebreaking. Commercially, I don't know - just ridiculously fast computers? Personally I'm in it for the Holy-Shit-Cool factor.


I'm so forwarding this to every one of my poor, bastard friends who are running Vista. Not because I want to see them cry, although that would be entertaining.

"The first indication that Microsoft should abandon Vista is its poor sales figures. According to a recent report titled "Windows Vista Still Underperforming in U.S. Retail" from NPD, Vista sales are significantly behind XP sales during its early days. Even worse for Redmond, some are reverting to XP, citing issues with compatibility and overall design. And if that wasn't enough, Macs continue to surge and with the impending release of Leopard, Microsoft may be in for a rough holiday season.

With each passing day, it's becoming blatantly clear that Microsoft released Vista too early and the company's continual mistakes and promises that can't be kept are further annoying the Windows faithful."

Don Reisinger
The Digital Home

scans, tech, f: comics

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