fuck this titling shiiiiiiiiit

May 09, 2011 20:50

Today I made GIANT GODDAMN CANDY BROWNIES, and lo, they were tasty. I therefore endorse the making of candy brownies by all and sundry. Candy brownies: not just for kids anymore.

Today I also went into a minute long blackout rage over compact fluorescent light bulbs. Here is the thing: I have replaced my godsbedamned compact fluorescent light bulbs once already this year. Fleeing the six people in the living room watching Criminal Minds, I took my studying to my bedroom, only to find the lights burned out again. WTF COMPACT FLUORESCENT LIGHT BULBS, THIS IS NO KIND OF ECO FRIENDLINESS. My brain went: HISS CRACKLE POP, KILL CRUSH DESTROY. I have no patience for inanimate things. No patience at all.

Today I also continued my streak of crippling writers block. So come on, help a girl out. Hit me with a prompt for a drabble (drabble, I say), so I can attempt to put words to page, and then a whole lot of words to page.

Prompt me with:

any fandom you know me to be interested in
any rating, gen or shipfic
any scenario, the more implausible the better

And I will attempt to write something. Seriously. It has gotten this ridiculous.

Alternate: http://schmevil.dreamwidth.org/291298.html.

me: mememe, me: fic

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