la ship meme

Feb 02, 2011 18:05

I'm supposed to be studying. Of course I'm doing a meme.

noracharles asked for my Supernatural ships:

My M/F OTP: Dean/Lisa. Trust me, I know. I KNOW. I was surprised by how much I liked them in the first few eps of this season. But I think they're a genuinely sweet couple and had the show decided to keep Lisa and Ben major characters, I could see her transitioning into a (less badass) Ellen-like figure. I don't know... I think that should Dean ever get over himself, he and Lisa could have a chance at a functional adult relationship. I think Lisa gets more than he's really comfortable with. And that's a good thing.

(Runner up: Sam/Ruby. Worst. Fan. Ever).

My M/M OTP: Dean/Castiel. IT'S RIGHT THERE ON THE SCREEN, OMG. Not in the sense of it being canon, but simply, I ship Dean/Castiel as a direct extension of their onscreen relationship. Just with the addition of a romantic element. From hateship, to desperate unlikely alliance, to eventual friendship - it's the progression that I like. The slow getting to know and appreciate each other, in the middle of the freaking apocalypse. The small moments of intimacy, counterbalanced by moments where they can't communicate, can't understand each other at all, because they're so alien. Also, you know, they're fun.

My F/F OTP: Bela/Ruby. Why yes, I am aware that they shared NO SCREEN TIME to speak of, but nevertheless. The hotness is undeniable. As is their potential to be a wily, amoral Bonnie&Bonnie, stealing things and kicking the shit out of the white hats. Come on now. (Fuuuck, I need to write this).

My OT3: I don't have a romantic OT3 for SPN... but my friendship OT3 is Sam/Dean/Castiel. They are hilarious together, ok? I will not hear otherwise. And more, they've got a wonderfully complicated dynamic. Castiel can't get between Sam and Dean. Sam can't offer Dean the kind of friendship that Castiel can. And Dean can't be the kind of ally to Sam that Castiel can. Castiel also... lightens the load for the brothers, and can (S4) make things easier between them. He keeps them from falling into the tired schtick of previous years.

My endgame OTP: Sam/Castiel. They're smart, ruthless, and absolutely willing to compromise themselves for the win. Castiel is completely unwilling to indulge Sam's self-pitying tendencies and the same is true of Sam. Instead they push each other to do more, go farther, to get shit done, and they're utterly unsentimental wrt their relationship. And let's face it, taking Dean out the picture would... probably result in their doing some pretty fucked up shit in the name of good.

My original OTP: Dean/Castiel. And still going strong.

My crack OTP: Hmm. Bobby/Hat? Not sure that I have one. Now that I think about, Bobby/Hat has some serious potential. They do seem to be awfully close...

My guilty pleasure OTP: It's Superntural! Guilty pleasure from start to finish, you know? I'm not sure what sort of deviance I'd have to wholeheartedly ship, for me to actually feel guilt.

My anti-OTP: Romantic Sam/Dean. Sam&Dean 4eva! I'm wracking my brain for a canon ship that really rubbed me the wrong way... maybe early Dean/Lisa, circa end of S4. Generally I've found the canonical relationships (romantic and otherwise), to be just fine. I'm more likely to get in a tizzy over repetitiveness, regressive characterization, and the show's general socio-political backwardness. *cringe* But on the whole, they do a good job with familial relationships and friendships, and a so/so job with romantic relationships.

Next up: X-Men, Dexter, DCAU.


f: supernatural, sheepery

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