On Lois Lane

Jun 15, 2010 11:15

One of my favourite things about Lois is that there's nothing special about her, except for Lois herself - who Lois decided she would be. Sure her dad's a general and her boyfriend's Superman, but that's not what makes Lois awesome. She doesn't need superfriends, superpowers, or a tragic past to make her great: the character is great on her own merits, and the rest of it is just icing on the cake. And incredibly, most writers seem to get this - she's canonically presented as being more than the sum of the men in her life; more than her superfriends, or the strange circumstances she falls into.

Lois starts out as the archetypal plucky girl reporter, but she matures into a goddamn lioness. As a grownup woman, she's a reporter of unparalleled skill and determination. She's fierce in her pursuit of truth and justice. Clark is her spouse and that's undeniably central to her character, but it's not her reason for being. Lois has had - could have again - a comic of her own, and let me tell you, I would read the hell out of a Lois Lane ongoing. I suspect that the same readership that digs Batwoman and the new Question, would dig a Lois ongoing.

Would you guys read a Lois comic?

[Yes yes, I'm mostly talking about modern era Lois.]

Alternate: http://schmevil.dreamwidth.org/257695.html.

f: comics

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