I don't even understand why this is an issue, but--

May 11, 2010 13:04

I filter my posts. I am very upfront about this. If we're new friends, or casual acquaintances, you won't be seeing my personal posts. Virtually all of my flocked content is also filtered in some fashion, but if you think you're missing out on some juicy, fandom gossip? You're not. Ask anyone who's known me a for a few years - flocked content is 99% me whining about my RL problems. Once upon a time all of my content was public, but trolling and speculation on my personal life drove me to lock that stuff down. You are not being excluded/judged/whatever, and if we get close, you'll have the chance to be bombarded by my incessant whining, you lucky dog.

And if you still don't believe me, my primary filters are: personal, whining, trust (people who know my phone number and address), WIP and beta. Seriously. You are not missing out.

Oh, and one last thing, if you'd like to filter me out of certain posts, or from your reading list altogether? Go for it. Your journal, your rules.

Alternate: http://schmevil.dreamwidth.org/248512.html.

oh humanity!, me: mememe

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