I have the next Die Hard post, my second SPN Femslash Exchange story, and my first Pony Stark story written, but none of them are typed. I keep staring at the computer, rubbing my eyes and not getting anything done. What the hell, man. *rubs eyes* Shamefully unproductive.
Speaking of movies,
@darklorelei and
@schmevil (why, that's me!) are watching
100 Great Movies together on Twitter, starting this month. Our first movie is All About Eve. We're still waffling on live-tweeting vs. post-watch tweet reviews, but it should be fun for us and likely will be torturous for our followers. We also need to decide on a hashtag, for ultimate annoyance.
In other news, I worked. I did the groceries. EXCITEMENT! I'm now home and catching up on my flist.