Die Hard slash, and my endless need for new icons

Mar 25, 2010 23:37

I've discovered Die Hard slash. And it's GOOD. No really! Like, quite good. I did an olympic freaking sprint through the stories up at AO3 and now I'm checking out hard4brains. This is FatF fandom all over again, except... strangely sacrelicious (sacreligious + delicious). Slashing John McClane is kind of like slashing the Man With No Name. It's like queering a piece of America itself. And I like it, oh yes.

Also! Completely unrelated to Die Hard and America, but totally related to queering up the joint, I need a Joan Jett icon. Because jfc Joan.

What, you don't get the Joan thing? Click!

This is kid!Joan

And this is the Joan of now. She's 51.

Let me say that again, she is FIFTY-ONE YEARS OLD.

Alternate: http://schmevil.dreamwidth.org/233881.html.

joan jett made me gay, movies

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