I wrote some things

Mar 15, 2010 22:14

Business Or Pleasure
Harry Potter, het, ~2500 words
Eddie Carmichael conducts business in the library. Cho does not approve.
outlawpoet likes to call this Hogwarts Underground.

Wolf Like Me
Supernatural, femslash, ~4000
Meg takes Bela off the rack.
For darkmagic_luvr by way of spn_fs_exchange.

Business or Pleasure isn't the kind of story that has a built in audience, and I couldn't figure out where to advertise it. Does anyone know where I can post a No-Name-Ravenclaw/Cho Chang noirish short? I mean, really.

Alternate: http://schmevil.dreamwidth.org/230516.html.

f: harry potter, f: supernatural, me: fic

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