
Mar 23, 2009 19:43

I think the puppy may be defective. We walked past a dead goose today and she didn't even notice. Aren't puppies supposed to be all up in that, getting covered in feathers and glorying in dead thing-ness? After the walk I gave her a bath, which was a horror that defies the telling. Not because she caused me any trouble, but because she just huddled ( Read more... )

f: watchmen, f: battlestar galactica, me: mememe, f: wonder woman, puppy, movies, f: supernatural

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tammylee March 24 2009, 00:37:21 UTC
When you are ready for recs I just read a good fic about Castiel! =D
Oh man, I thought Shakespearean deaths were bad enough in plays, let alone ballet! (And I have a crack!fic with no spoilers, if you've seen the first episode of SPN, that involves ballet. http://themaskedmckay.livejournal.com/6126.html)

Watchmen did very little for me. I was pleased with the cast, it left me very strongly feeling like I'd watched a comic book with fanvids inserted here and there, but I did like the revised ending. It seemed a lot tidier than the comic.

After I heard about the BSG finale I'm rather glad I didn't get into it. =p

I shall look forward to fanfic!


schmevil March 24 2009, 00:54:01 UTC
I've been reading a few fics actually, despite my lack of grounding in canon. I'm enjoying gen with Bobby, Ruby, the angels and the brothers. I have a feeling I'm going to have fun with John, after I've watched the first few seasons. Sam/Ruby and Dean/Castiel is also working for me.

I'm not really worried about spoilers, in general, so don't worry about not revealing things to me. ;)

Watchmen... yeah. I don't know. It was there. Dan/Laurie managed to be adorable, despite Malin Ackerman's lifeless performance. There were a number of solid performances (Rorschach, Comedian, Silk Spectre I), but overall it... lacked an emotional centre? The revised ending worked for me too. It was certainly easier to explain than a squid would have been.

The fic is about Iron Man, and the extremis enhancile, and the changes it works on him. Is he still Tony?! *gasp*


tammylee March 24 2009, 02:18:37 UTC
Ooh, in that case, http://pandarus.livejournal.com/248406.html
This fic was really well done!

There really wasn't an emotional centre at all. But I can't recall if the book had it either. When I finished reading the book, so many years ago, I felt quite ill. At least the movie didn't do that to me! XD

Oh man! Now I have to look up what the extremis enhancile is! (Although, the name seems to be a hint.)


schmevil March 24 2009, 02:36:55 UTC
Extremis is a Warren Ellis invention, and is predictably awesome. At least, it's awesome if you're into cybernetics, post-humanism and man-machine integration. Which I am. :) So, Tony's friend is working on a secret project. She's engineering something called extremis, which is a variation on the old super soldier theme, but this enhancile isn't purely biological or chemical. The process is basically injecting nanites that rewrite the body, making it better, or different. The purpose of extremis can vary, but it always works to make the body more efficient and more durable. It can also rewrite you to have superpowers. For reasons of Plot, it becomes necessary for Tony to inject himself with extremis ( ... )


tammylee March 24 2009, 02:58:26 UTC
I do love Warren Ellis' sexy obsession with cutting edge tech and how man will use and abuse it! (Transmetropolitan is still one of my top fave comics.) Too bad they axed the idea, it brings the character into interesting territory. Was it killing off his emotions? (Which is actually a cliche I don't care too much for. Why can't super smart people with computer-like brains be as passionate and emotional as anyone else?)

I will try to keep up with the discussion when it happens! I don't really want to reread the book. =p


schmevil March 24 2009, 03:06:35 UTC
We're starting with Transmetropolitan, btw. ;)

Was it killing off his emotions?

Not really, although that's how it seemed to his friends and colleagues. What it was doing was... well, two things: 1) it was letting him *retreat* into himself, and 2) it was causing him to see and experience things differently. He actually *wasn't* thinking like his old self, because now he could attack a problem from thirty different angles at once. He could control multiple suits of armor at once, in one battle. He could do crazy shit like stop and restart someone's heart with absolute precision. So it was an alienating effect, but one that made sense for the character. I mean, we're talking about a guy who's better with robots than people, and when he does try to relate to people, it's usually through money, fighting, or sex.


tammylee March 24 2009, 04:03:38 UTC
Oh man!
Maybe I'll have to follow along then. XD Transmet was amazing!

Trufax, Tony isn't exactly a people person at the best of times. (Ten to one he was also using his new abilities to stream multiple pornos at the same time. XD)


schmevil March 24 2009, 04:07:30 UTC
Absotively! This is my personal canon.

There was a bit where he was video conferencing, fighting super villains, and bidding for an antique piece of armor, all at the same time. I was all "YOU ARE SUCH A NERD AND I LOVE YOU FOR IT."


schmevil March 24 2009, 02:39:54 UTC
Dude, I read that one. It was great. I loved that she made it very clear that Castiel didn't fall because he had the hots for Dean. In a way he fell because of Dean, because of the effect that Dean had on him, but he didn't fall due to wanting him. I think that's key.

Did you read the Trickster has information on a seal, and will only give it to them if an angel goes to hell? And Castiel volunteers?


tammylee March 24 2009, 02:53:10 UTC
I think that is what I really liked about it too. That and there were parts where Ruby and Castiel talk and it isn't about the boys and the boys aren't even around! <3 Yay for secondary character development! The writer gets mad points for mentioning agape!

I have NOT read that one but I'd love to! =D


schmevil March 24 2009, 03:00:54 UTC
Grarg. I need to start bookmarking these things. Sixy Six Weeks.

The Castiel and Ruby parts were win. I now want a long gen roadtrip fic with them. Something with lots of religious significance, but done with a light touch.

The writer gets mad points for mentioning agape!

I thought the same thing!


tammylee March 24 2009, 03:34:06 UTC
Thank you! I will bookmark for laters.
(Watching Chuck right now.)
Uhnnn I totally want gen roadtrip fic with them! Smart religious references used in the style the show uses for religion.

Something I really like about this season of SPN is the view that the angels have this religion where they worship God and their faith must be absolute or they're kicked out contrasting with the demons' religion where they worship Lucifer but really, nobody is forced to there is no consequence for not believing.

Lucifer must have been quite the guy because he has a personality cult following among angels and demons still!


schmevil March 24 2009, 03:51:25 UTC
Well he was the flipping Morning Star. Made of Win and all that. *g* Now that Uriel's gone evil and died (wtf show?!), and Anna's angeling around without being an Angel, and Castiel is considering disobedience, well, suffice it to say that I'm very interested in seeing what they do with the angels as a group. As well as, of course, the particular characters we already know.

Do you read casting spoilers for next season?


tammylee March 24 2009, 04:00:54 UTC
Do you read casting spoilers for next season?
I have, indeed!
I am squeeing!
I was arguing with a coworker this morning about Castiel and his possible fall from grace coming up. In my mind, why would they spend a whole episode on Anna if not to show us what might happen to Cas? Unless he doesn't fall and he just removes himself from the Host and tries to do God's will directly? Hmmm... he's never talked about seeking Revelation like Uriel did?



schmevil March 24 2009, 04:04:58 UTC
Totally agree with you about Anna. Although I'm hoping they continue to have her pop up, now and again.

And the actor keeps saying that he wants the character to fall, because it would be 'more interesting' that way. I'm not sure if I want him to fall, but the struggle will definitely be interesting. Actually, you know what I really want? I want Castiel to kick some demon ass already. Gah!

But yeah. Definitely excited. :)


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