two completely unrelated subjects...

May 10, 2008 12:25

Like my new icon? It's from Apache Skies, which you can check out here: 1 2 3 4.

I made a bunch of caps from the series, which is gorgeous. So many that I don't know what to do with them all. More here.

I'm reading Scalped, trying to put together a good post series for scans_daily.

And let me just say - these things involve waaaaay more effort than I thought. My Ms. Marvel series, which I really need to get back to, is nearing three hundred posted scans. And I still haven't hit the Rogue/Carol years. Obviously not all of those scans are mine, but even assembling the posts and doing commentary when you're working from a downloaded comic, takes at least an hour. Oh internet hobby, how skillfully you steal my time. Of course, the same could be said for blogging, or posting regularly on a message board - neither involves an insignificant investment of time.

Anyway, Scalped. I'm thinking of likening it to Preacher, in the sense that it works with Western tropes, but draws from a lot of other genres as well. I'm getting some hardboiled, noir-ish vibes from Scalped, and not just because the protagonist is named Dashiel. *g* Is Preacher a turn on, or a turn off?


Fic update.

story for the Hetficathon: 0 words
But since I only have to produce a minimum of 500 words for June 15th, I'm not terribly worried. Still I'm kind of excited about this one - it's another fandom I haven't written in, and that's seriously working out for me lately.

the Steve/Tony fic (which is totally crimsonquills' fault): 3265 words
So far I've managed to get Steve to kiss Tony on the cheek. !!! What makes this extra surprising is that there really isn't any plot to get in the way of the super shenanigans.

Flash vs. Aliens: 3268 words
I'm finding that writing super-powered fight scenes is really, really hard. Keeping track of eight heroes and sixteen alien villains is far more complicated than I ever imagined. Superspeed is most definitely the worst - so much fun to write when Wally's just speeding around, but coming up with credible reasons for him not to instantly pwn the world is a challenge.

Tony Gets Therapy: 4553 words
I'm not really stuck on this one. I have a number of scenes quasi plotted out in my head, and a very clear idea of the story as a whole. But I've stuck it on the back-burner while I finish up the shorter stuff *points up* I'm going to have so much fun with this story.

Badfic Re-Write: 4603 words
Same situation as with the Therapy story. I know what I need to do and how, but I want to finish some other things first, so I can give this my full attention.

I really need to apply some discipline and punishment, and get these things wrapped up. I also need to start finding betas, which I HATE doing. It's not that I think I'm such an amazing writer that I don't need a beta. Seriously - ha! Ha ha ha! *sigh* No, it's more that I'm painfully, socially retarded about these things, and don't even know where to begin looking.

icons, f: comics, fic

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