There are a number of slang
army acronyms that are related to FUBAR. A somewhat standard group in no particular order is:
- SNAFU - Situation Normal: All Fucked Up
- BOHICA - Bend Over, Here It Comes Again
- TARFU - Things Are Really Fucked Up
- JANFU - Joint Army/Navy Fuck-Up
Others include the following:[
citation needed]
- SAPFU - Surpasses All Previous Fuck Ups
- CHAOS - Chief Has Arrived On Scene
- SUSFU - Situation Unchanged, Still Fucked Up
- FUMTU - Fucked Up More Than Usual
- FUBB - Fucked Up Beyond Belief
- TOFU - Things Ordinary: Fucked Up
- GFU - General Fuck Up
- SAMFU - Self Adjusting Military Fuck Up
- TUIFU - The Ultimate In Fuck Ups
- FUGAZI - Fucked Up, Got Ambushed, Zipped In; Refers to out-of-control situation such as a chaotic jungle warfare combat environment
- FUNDY - Fucked Up, Not Dead Yet; on British medical charts[2]
- JAAFU or JAAFFU - Joint Army-Air Force Fuck-Up; the use of JANFU combined with a radical increase in joint-forces operations since 1989, has led to the rare but increasing use of JAAFU/JAAFFU
- FUBER - Fucked Up Beyond Economic Repair
- MOAFU - Mother Of All Fuck Ups
- BEIFT - Behold, Every Indicator Forebodes Trouble; pronounced "beefed"
There are a number of slang army acronyms that are related to FUBAR. A somewhat standard group in no particular order is:
- SNAFU - Situation Normal: All Fucked Up
- BOHICA - Bend Over, Here It Comes Again
- TARFU - Things Are Really Fucked Up
- JANFU - Joint Army/Navy Fuck-Up
Others include the following:[citation needed]
- SAPFU - Surpasses All Previous Fuck Ups
- CHAOS - Chief Has Arrived On Scene
- SUSFU - Situation Unchanged, Still Fucked Up
- FUMTU - Fucked Up More Than Usual
- FUBB - Fucked Up Beyond Belief
- TOFU - Things Ordinary: Fucked Up
- GFU - General Fuck Up
- SAMFU - Self Adjusting Military Fuck Up
- TUIFU - The Ultimate In Fuck Ups
- FUGAZI - Fucked Up, Got Ambushed, Zipped In; Refers to out-of-control situation such as a chaotic jungle warfare combat environment
- FUNDY - Fucked Up, Not Dead Yet; on British medical charts[2]
- JAAFU or JAAFFU - Joint Army-Air Force Fuck-Up; the use of JANFU combined with a radical increase in joint-forces operations since 1989, has led to the rare but increasing use of JAAFU/JAAFFU
- FUBER - Fucked Up Beyond Economic Repair
- MOAFU - Mother Of All Fuck Ups
- BEIFT - Behold, Every Indicator Forebodes Trouble; pronounced "beefed"