(no subject)

Jun 27, 2004 11:10

Part 1: The You Side -- Basic and Not-So-Basic Info
1. Full Name: Caitlin Jennifer Dennler.
2. Birthdate: 5/31/90
3. Age: 14.
4. Sex: Female.
5. Location: Houston, Texas.
6. Describe youself in 3 words: ...uh..? I don't know.
7. Parents' Names: Pat and Pam.
8. Siblings: Older sister, Amanda, Younger sister, Heidi.
9. Do they look like you? ...No.
10. Pets: Dogs: Lexie, Nugget, Emily. Cats: Belle, Pumpkin, Snuncky, Gracie. Fish: unknown.
11. Nicknames: Cait.
12. Zodiac Sign: Gemini.
13. Height: 5' 7"
14. Weight: 110. :(
15. Eye Color: Blue.
16. Hair Color: I don't know anymore.
17. Bellybutton -- innie or outie? Innie.
18. Any piercings, and if so, where? 2, ears.
19. Righty/Lefty/Ambidextrous: Right handed.
20. Screen Names: SchmerzTotungen, MunzenEinstecken.

Part 2: Favorites (or Not)
1. TV Show: Adult Swim.
2. Movie: Scary movies!
3. Quote: I don't know.
4. Sound: Water hitting up against the rocks and only silence in the air.
5. Word: ...? I don't know.
6. Place: The perfect place.
7. Flower: A rose.
8. Shape: Stars?
9. Type of Music: Hardrock, EMO, and german.
10. Color: Blue, Black and Red.
11. Perfume: J'adore by Dior.
12. Smell: Cinnamine. or w/e.
13. Day of the Week: Wednesday.
14. Number: I don't have one.
15. Month: October.
16. Season: Fall and Spring.
17. Board Game: Clue.
18. Food: W/e.
19. Cookie: Sugar cookies my moms makes. *yum*
20. Ice Cream: Vinalla.
21. Candy Bar: Toblerone. or w/e they are called.
22. Salad Dressing: Ranch.
23. Channel: Vh1 and Mad TV.
24. Shampoo/Conditioner: I don't know...good smelling shampoo?
25. Toothpaste: Crest.
26. Subject: Language.
27. Least Favorite Subject: IPC.
28. Thing to Drink: Dr. Pepper.
29. Snapple: Kiwi-Strawberry.
30. Thing to Do On the Weekend: Watch TV, Play DDR, Read.
31. Singer/Group: I have alot.
32. Song: All of us by Blindside.
33. Sport: Softball.
34. Website: None.
35. Relatives: My uncle Alen!
36. Holiday: Christmas.

Part 3: Friends
1. Best Friend(s): ALOT.
2. Person Who Knows the Most About You: Carrie and Kim.
3. Craziest/Silliest Person You Know: Craziest= Coles./Silliest= Katrina.
4. Funniest Personality: Will!
5. Loudest: Kitrina.
6. Gives the Best Advice: Renato, Carrie, Kim and Caroline.
7. Cutest: I don't know.
8. Stupidest: *shuts mouth*
9. Best At Keeping Secrets: Carrie, and Kim.
10. Weirdest: Ryan.
11. Most Hyper: Kitrina.
12. Quietest: Matt
13. Coolest: ALL OF THEM!
14. Smartest: Everyone.
15. Ugliest: NO ONE!!!
16. The One You Have, But Wish You Didn't: I don't know.
17. Favorite Friend(s) to Hang With: All of them!
18. Who do you have the most fun with? All of them.
19. Who can you nothing with and STILL have fun? All of them.
20. Who have you dreamed about? They are all in my dreams. Haha.
21. Nicest Guy You've Ever Met: Ever met? Matt, Will, and Tommy.
22. Nicest Girl You've Ever Met: Carrie and Kim!
23. Do you like the person who sent this to you? No one sent it to me.

Part 4: The Right Now Side
1. Date: 6/27/04
2. What color pants do you have on right now? Tan.
3. What song/group are you listening to right now? The Dead Kennedys.
4. What was the last CD/tape you bought? The Dead Kennedys.
5. What was the last thing you said outloud? That I'm still going to go out with Will.
6. What is right next to you? My book, cell phone, and home phone.
7. What color is your phone? cell phone=gray and blue. phone=gray.
8. Do you have a pager? No.
9. What's on your computer screen right now? This survey.
10. What's on your mouse pad? A puppy.
11. How's the weather right now? Its raining.

Part 5: When/Who/What Was...
1. The last person you talked to on the phone? My dad.
2. The last thing you saw on TV? Zoolander.
3. The last time you read a book? Today.
4. The last time you danced? Since the 8th grade dance.
5. The last time you got a real letter? ....I don't know. A really REALLY long time.
6. The last time you exercised? A couple days ago.
7. The last time you cried? A couple days ago.
8. The last time you watched Star Wars? Never.
9. The last time you watched Bambi? When I was a kid.
10. The last time you hit someone? Just recently.
11. The last time you laughed? Today.
12. The best thing that happened to you today? Nothing.
13. The worst thing? Finding out that my sister doesn't even know me.
14. The first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning? *looks at clock* Its not even 12 yet....

Part 6: The Crush Side
1. Who is your crush? No.
2. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? Yes.
3. If you could go out with anyone in the world, who? r2k!!!!!
4. Do you have a crush on someone famous, and if so, who? Seth Green *melts*
5. For GIRLS -- do you like guys with or without hats? Depends what hat.
6. For GUYS -- do you like girls with or without nail polish? Not a guy.
7. On a scale from 1-10 (1 = lowest), how romantic are you? I watch romance movies?
8. What is your opposite sex? Male. DUH!
9. When you meet a person of your preferred sex, you first notice their: Height, and Smile.
10. Who was your first crush? This guy named Nick in Chicago.
11. Have you ever been in love? Yes.
12. Who do you want to marry? Yes.
13. What things do you find attractive in a member of the opposite sex? "great personality."-(as Carrie and Caroline said) but I like medium hair. not like.....shaggy long.

Part 7: On Guys (for girls to fill out)
1. Boxers or briefs? Boxers.
2. Long or short hair? ..in between.
3. Dark or blond? Dark.
4. Tall or short? Tall.
5. 6-pack or muscular arms? 6-pack.
6. Mr. Sensitive or Mr. Funny? ...both have pluses and minuses.
7. Good boy or bad boy? ...not a momma's boy.
8. Dark or light eyes? Doesn't matter.
9. Ears pierced or no? Yeah.
10. Tan or fair? Tan.
11. Freckles or no? Doesn't matter.
12. Stubble or neatly shaved? Both.
13. Rugged outdoorsy type or sporty type? Both.
14. All-American, homey G, or grunge? All-American.
15. Accent or American? British Accents make me weak in the knees. Hahah.

Part 8: On Girls (for guys to fill out)
1. Boy shorts or bikini underwear?
2. Painted or nude nails?
3. Bra or sports bra?
4. Dressy or casual?
5. Ears pierced or no?
6. Brunette or blonde?
7. Short or long hair?
8. Dark or light eyes?
9. Long or short nails?
10. Hat or no hat?
11. Good girl or bad girl?
12. Hair up or down?
13. Jewelry or none?
14. Tall or short?
15. Curly or straight hair?
16. Skirt or dress?
17. Tan or fair?
18. Freckles or no?
19. Pretty, indoorsy girl or sporty girl?
20. All-American or grunge?
21. Accent or American?

Part 9: The Past Side
1. What do you remember most about this year? Band.
2. What did you do yesterday? Went to go see "The Termnial"
3. Were you "cool" 5 years ago? No.
4. Does it make you sad to know that you can never go back in time? Yeah, and change things? Hell yeah.
5. If you could go back in time, would you, and where would you go? I'd go back to when I was in 1st grade. It was before my grandpa died.
6. Which memory (thing) do you miss the most? My grandpa. I spent 2 years of my life cryig over him.
7. Which memory would you like to forget? Most.

Part 10: Have You Ever...
1. Cheated on a test? Yes.
2. Played strip poker? No.
3. Ran away from home? Yeah.
4. Broken a bone? No.
5. Broken the law? Yeah.
6. Had a medical emergency? Yeah.
7. Had sex? No.
8. Smoked? No.
9. Drank (alcohol)? No.
10. Been caught skinny-dipping? No, because I never have.
11. Been convicted of a crime? No.
12. Been on a plane? Yeah.
13. Cried in public? Hell yeah.
14. Climbed a tree? No.
15. Fell asleep in a movie theatre? Yeah.
16. Met a celebrity? No.
17. Met the president? No.
18. Been scared to get a shot? Yeah.
19. Gotten a cavity? Yeah.
20. Shopped at Abercombie & Fitch? Sadly, yes...
21. Skipped school? No.
22. Gone to a theme park and checked out all the cute girls/guys? No.
23. Helped an elderly person cross the street? I helped a guy find his wife once.
24. Gotten up and danced when you visited a dancing webpage? No.
25. Been in a physical fight, and if so, who won? Yeah. My sister won.
26. Thrown a solid object at a moving vehicle? No.
27. Experienced stomach illness in Mexico? No.

Part 11: The Future Side
1. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? In Germany.
2. Future Son's Names: I don't know.
3. Future Daughter's Names: Jennifer.
4. Do you even want kids? Yes.
5. If so, how many? 1 or 2.
6. If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be? A historian.
7. What is your dream car? A spyder toyota. Blue. *imagines*
8. Where do you plan on living after getting out of school? Either up in Chicago in a appartment, or in a small town in Germany.
9. At what age do you want to get married? Twenties.
10. If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be? I want black roots and red hair.
11. If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be? A fairy, butterfly, or skull and crossbones by my tailbone.

Part 12: The Feelings Side
1. Do you believe in yourself? Not always.
2. Worst Feeling In the World: Rejection.
3. Best Feeling In the World: Love and Happiness.
4. Are you for world peace? No. Everyone will have different opinions, you always find yourself against someone, it will never change.
5. What religion are you? ...I'm Catholic.
6. What is one thing you'd like to change about yourself? Everything.
7. What makes you happiest? ...A few things.
8. What makes you saddest? ...Alot of things.

Part 13: Which do you prefer?
1. Be serious or be funny? Both.
2. GUYS -- boxers or briefs?
3. Single or taken? Taken.
4. Read or write? Write.
5. Pen or pencil? Pencil.
6. GREY or GRAY? Gray.
7. Color or black and white? Black and white.
8. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset.
9. Rap or rock? Rock.
10. Stay up late or wake up early? Wake up early.
11. Sex or shag? ...Shag seems messed up.
12. Is it POP or SODA? Soda.
13. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Chicken.
14. Tall or short? Tall.
15. Sun or moon? Moon.
16. Pants or skirt? Pants.
17. Left or right? Both.
18. 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? 10 Acquanintances.
19. Ponytail or leave it down? Ponytail
20. Kids or no kids? Kids.
21. Cat or dog? Dog.
22. Half-empty or half-full? Half empty.
23. Mustard or ketchup? Both.
24. Hardcover or softcover? softcover.
25. Newspaper or magazine? Magazine.
26. Sandals or sneakers? Sneakers.
27. N*Sync or BSB? N*Sync.
28. Adidas, Nike, or Reebok? Nike.
29. Peanut butter or jelly? Jelly.
30. Coke or Pepsi? Coke.
31. Matt Damon or Ben Affleck? None.
32. MTV or VH1? Both.
33. Apples or oranges? Oranges.
34. Vanilla or chocolate? Vanilla.
35. Flowers or candy? Flowers.
36. Dawson's Creek or Felicity? None.
37. Romantic, comedy, or horror? ALL.
38. TV or radio? TV.
39. Fries -- Burger King's or McDonald's? Burger King.
40. Salt or pepper? Salt.
41. Croutons or bacon bits? Croutons.
42. Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? Hot chocolate.
43. Perfect lover or perfect friend? Both.
44. Sweet or sour? Sweet.
45. Root beer or Dr. Pepper? Dr. Pepper.
46. Tea or coffee? Coffee.
47. Ocean or pool? Pool.
48. Cooler Ranch or Nacho Cheesier? Cooler Ranch.
49. Mud or Jell-O wrestling? Jello, that would be hilarious.
50. With or without ice cubes? Both.
51. Rain or shine? Shine.
52. Top or bottom? Top.
53. Skiing or snowboarding? Snowboarding.
54. Biking or blading? Biking.
55. Cake or cookies? Cake.
56. Cereal or toast? Cereal.
57. Night or day? Day.
58. Gloves or mittens? Gloves.
59. Dressed or undressed? Dressed.
60. Eyes open or closed? Open.
61. Fly or breath underwater? Breath underwater.
62. Bunkbed or waterbed? Waterbed.
63. Chewing gum or hard candy? Chewing Gum.
64. Motorboat or sailboat? Motorboat.
65. Lights on or off? Lights on.
66. To call or be called? To be called.
67. Make plans or go along with them? Both.

Part 14: What Do You Think of When You Hear...?
1. Bill Clinton: ASSWIPE.
2. Lollipops: Yum. Cherry...
3. Dreams: Lovely.
4. Love: Happiness.
5. Whipped Cream: Jello cake.
6. South Park: Hilarious.
7. Boy Bands: ...wth did I like them?
8. Guys: HoT...hahaha.
9. Girls: "I am one." - yeah, not much there to say, is there Caroline.
10. Death: Pain.
11. Rollercoasters: Throwing up stomach
12. Thunderstorms: Bowling.

Part 15: Misc. Questions
1. Do you like this survey? No.
2. One pillow or two, cotton or feather? One.
3. How long are you in the shower? 5 minutes.
4. What does your screen name mean? "Pain Kills" in German.
5. Do you get motion sickness? Yeah.
6. GIRLS -- would you ever ask a guy for his shirt? I think I'll get killed by my parents if I wore a guys shirt that a guy gave me.
7. What's under your bed? Nothing.
8. Do you remember the name of your second grade teacher? Uh....I forgot.
9. Do you sing in the shower? YES! Haha. On days that I'm actually happy.
10. If you could meet one person in the world, who would it be? Seth Green...*melts*
11. If you could meet any DEAD person, who? Edgar Allen Poe.
12. Are you sane? No.
13. If you were invisible, where would you go? ....Away.
14. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? Yes.
15. What do you think about Ouija boards? "Creeeepy" - I agree.
16. Can you wiggle your ears? No.
17. Are you addicted to the internet? Yeah.
18. Do you dream in color? Yeah.
19. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? No.
20. Which leg do you put first into your pants? My right leg.
21. Do you laugh when somebody falls? Yeah, sometimes.
22. Do you make fun of people? Not really.
23. If you were a gardening tool, what would you be? A shovel?
24. What was your first car? Never have had a car.
25. Are you a health freak? No.
26. Do you get along with your parents? No.
27. What's your biggest secret? ...and you think I'll tell you?
28. Of all the people you send this to, who is most likely to respond? ..its not an email.
29. Who is least likely to respond? ITS NOT AN EMAIL
30. What do you like most about the person who sent this to you? GAH!!
31. How glad are you that this is over? HELL yeah.
32. One last thing you'd like to say? Uh..? I don't know.

Part 16: The Epilogue
1. What time is it? 4:32 pm.
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