Jun 24, 2008 02:16
I just had the weirdest night EVER.
I went to my friend Amanda's house at like 4, and our friend Mel came.. we were just gonna go swimming until time for Bible Study - cause we all go to this small group Bible study thing on Monday nights. But then Erin, the lady who leads it, called all of us and said she was sick and we weren't meeting tonight. So Amanda, Mel and I went to the Main Cup for dinner (delicious, delicious crab dip) and then went to Mel's friend's house to watch a movie. Amanda knew Mel's friend, but I didn't. So Amanda, Mel, these girls Sarah and Courtney, and I watched half of Freedom Writers, but then like Courtney had to go or whatever, but really, I guess something was up between the group because Mel, Amanda, Sarah and I ended up leaving Courtney and going to Sarah's boyfriend's house - in Buckeystown. So we went out there and like had to walk through this field, and there was a fire and a few people and it just seemed SO sketchy. I was like, terrified at first.
But then I realized everyone was real chill, and we all just sat around talking and joking. The people were all right - and this one guy, Brian, had a guitar and was just sitting in the back of the pickup truck playing and singing, and then I started singing with him. It was actually kind of fun. Hahahahaha I ended up giving him my number - I know, I'm a fucking idiot, hahaha, because I know right now that absolutely nothing is going to come from it, but whatever. He was kind of cool.
It was just so weird. I drove to walkersville, from walkersville to middletown, from middletown to walkersville, from walkersville to frederick, from frederick to buckeystown, from buckeystown to walkersville, and to walkersville back home.
It was just so random and out of nowhere. but it was more fun than I thought it would be. Hahaha I was supposed to be going to Bible study, and ended up in a field in Buckeystown sitting on the bed of a pickup truck while everyone smoked menthols.