I am just chatty with livejournal lately

Jan 27, 2006 09:31


Two people just asked if I would like to sign on for soccer. Reasons I would like to: exercise, getting to run around and relieve stress, hanging out with cool people in my program, other players being as inexperienced at the sport as I and thus making me feel less uncomfortable about joining. Reasons I would not like to: the only workable time slot for our team is in the "advanced" intramurals. Justin, who is organizing the team, tells me that it's just for fun anyhow, a good way for MAPC students to hang out. And also that it's okay for me to just run around a lot, which is essentially what I offered.

I think he saw me clumsily booking it to work today, so I bet that was funny to him.

Another player, Sally Ann, is being very encouraging, even knowing I will probably suck. I might do this just for the heck of it, and so that they have a few more players--apparently, they have just enough for the team to make and anticipate some of the current players having to miss games in the future.


It's because I know you hunger for crumbs of Kris's identity. And the chance to read things inexplicably written in the third person.

So anyway, I signed up for the basketball team, but not enough other people did. I think it would have been humiliating for me, but fun. There's a new intramural soccer team in the department, and I think soccer would be better fit for my body and abilities, if you can call them that. But they seem to have plenty of people that know what they're doing, which I would not.

Mostly they could just count on my lumberjack ankles not to give.

This morning I was running late for work, and instead of forgoing my mile-long walk to campus for a quicker ride on the bus, I got impatient with waiting for the bus and decided I could probably get there on foot faster. Running would maybe not have been such a bad idea if I didn't have a heavy backpack and an additional grocery bag in hand. Plus I'm not exactly in running clothes, but anyway.

My legs were a little pissed at running uphill quite that fast, but my right shoulder was really angry with me when the bookbag kept pulling. Not to mention I'm a cream puff and got out of breath. I plugged along pretty good for most of the mile, though near the end I had to switch to a brisk walk. What's weird is that after aching pretty badly, my shoulder feels better now than usual (it hurts for some amount of time pretty much every day and is usually stiff).
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