backwardsclock requested a tutorial for several icons from my last icon post, and I'm complying because she's just great.
A couple of things you should know:
1) I make all of my icons in Paint Shop Pro 8, and any animations are made in Adobe ImageReady.
2) This tutorial is basically a copy of my layer palette. The topmost image is my topmost layer, and descending pictures correspond with the ones in my .pspimage (PSP equivalent of a .psd).
3) All layers are shown at 100% opacity.
4) Any white brushes or text are placed on a black background for easy-viewing purposes. Keep in mind that the black background is not present in the icon.
5) All bases have been resized and sharpened.
6) This tutorial is modeled after tutorials made by
grrliz_icons. I feel compelled to give credit.
Text Layer - blend mode: normal, opacity: 100%, italicized Bonnie's Font, size: 13, color: #FFFFFF.
Image Layer - blend mode: soft light, opacity: 100%.
Text Drop Shadow Layer - blend mode: multiply, opacity: 100%, color: #000000.
Brush Layer - blend mode: normal, opacity: 100%; I think I offset one of
Hybrid-Genesis's border brushes for this brush.
Gradient Layer - blend mode: overlay, opacity: 100%.
Image Layer - Desaturate your base. blend mode: saturation, opacity: 100%.
Gradient Layer - blend mode: soft light, opacity: 50%.
Image Layer - blend mode: screen, opacity: 100%.
Image Layer - blend mode: screen, opacity: 100%.
Image Layer - blend mode: normal, opacity: 100%,
cap is by jenzdesignz ![](
If you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer them. Please let me know if this helps you in any way. :)