Sarah and John Connor
Schmacky's Videos
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Title: Where Did I Go Wrong?
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Title: What It Means to Be A Connor
Summary: What does it mean to be a Connor? Your life dedicated to survival from machines before they're even created. One word really: tragedy.
Title: I Am Your Child
Summary: It takes place sometime in the future, 2027 or 2029 what have you. It's coming from John, now as he's an adult, he's older, and more mature he can see clearly. Throughout his childhood he seemed to resent her for the life that he would have to lead. When he was younger, there were times he looked down upon her, called her names, didn't trust her or believe her, gave her crap, rebelled - was a child and a teenager. He now realizes that without her and her guidance, he would not be the man he is today. A man that men and women look up to, admire, fight for and are willing to die for. He understands now, well after she is gone, what she did for him and why she did it. Hindsight is always 20/20, even for the savior of mankind.
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Title: Whatever It Takes
Summary: Sarah Connor loves her son more than anything and though she's made mistakes, she'll do whatever it takes for her son.
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Title: Ain't We Famous
Summary: He is the savior of mankind, the leader of the Resistance. She is his mother, a legend. A fun take on the idea that in the future.. EVERYONE knows who John and Sarah Connor are.
Title: Simple Man
Summary: John thinks back about his mother and what she's taught him.