Happy 30th! (Icon bases)

Jan 08, 2007 19:08

In honor of that 30th anniversary, and in tribute to the lovely (cackles) pictures ainaweth brought us, I give you... *insert drum roll*


(Don't worry; I may be going to hell but I have great roommates lined up.)


Comments are great, credit isn't necessary. These may be used as icons or as bases. All I ask is that if you DO make a much cooler icon(s) out of them, please show them off here so I may ooh and awe over your talents. ^__^

Mischa the Cub! (Sorry, I forgot to make a Polar Bear. I deserve to have electric current run to my groin, I know. *is shamed*)

James (A in the background); James and Dorian

A! Both with the "wah!" and without.

Laurence (heh heh heh)

Iron Klaus!

B, looking lost.

And lastly, Agent C!!!

(Agent C is a tall, lanky agent shown wearing glasses in all of the older manga. In the newer manga, he apparently got contacts. This could possibly be Agent X, who also wore glasses, but from what I recall, X had better hair.)


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