Eroica Alphabet Soup - Icons

Sep 22, 2005 03:17

I've finally finished the alphabet icons.

There are two full sets. One for Klaus and one for Dorian.

Since some of the words I used have multiple definitions, I noted which one I had in mind for the icon. My comments are in italics.

Take what you want. I only ask that you give me credit.



A - Agent A

A - Amorous

adj: full of love

B - Agent B

B - Bonham

C - Coffee

Klaus approved!
C - Crossdress

D - Dangerous

D - Dorian

I know. I used this picture before.
But Dorian is just so damn hot in a tux.

E - Eroica

In thieving mode
E - Eroica

In reconnaissance mode

F - Fearless

Homophobia notwithstanding,
this man would walk through a
mine field for a mission.
F - Fop

n: a man unduly attractive to personal appearance

G - Agent G

G - Grandstanding

v: to play or act so as to impress onlookers.
Basically, Dorian being himself.

H - Heroics

adj: daring and risky
n (pl):heroic behavior, talk, or deeds.
And Klaus being himself.
H - Histrionics

n: 1. dramatics
2. an artificial manner, display of emotion.
The world's most irritating character.

I - Iron Klaus

I - Iron Klaus

J - Juggernaut

n: a relentless, irresistible force.
J - James

K - Klaus

As he sees himself.
K - Klaus

As Dorian sees him.

L - Leather

I don't know where he got the outfit,
but oh, baby!
L - Lovelorn

adj: sad because not loved in return.

M - Major

M - Madcap

n: a reckless, impulsive person.


North Atlantic Treaty Organization --
as if you didn't know.
N - Nautical

O - Ordnance

n: all military weapons, ammunition, etc.
O - Over The Top

adj: outrageously or ridiculously excessive.

P - Panic Stricken

P - Painting

The painting that started it all.
"The Man in Purple"

Q - Querulous

adj: 1. inclined to find fault
2. full of complaint.
Q - Quixotic

adj: foolishly impractical
Like he'll ever get Klaus willingly
kneeling at his feet.

R - Russian

Gotta get the KGB in somehow.
R - Romantic

adj: full of thoughts, feelings, etc. of romance.

S - Spies

They're everywhere!
They're everywhere!
S - Sheik

adj: pleasingly stylish.
Okay, so I really mean Chic.
Let me get at least one pun in.

T - Tank

Yes, the man loves his guns.
T - Theatrics

adj: marked by extravagant display or exhibitionism.

U - Uber-Klaus

This was the first thing I
thought when I saw this picture.
U - Unique

adj: without like or equal.

V - Vindictive

adj: revengeful in spirit.
Well, what would you call a man who
gives back twice what he gets?
V - Vainglorious

n: excessive or ostentatious pride especially
in one's achievements.

W - West Germany

Not an easy map to find nowadays.
W - Wine

Mosel, naturally.

X - Xenophobia

n: fear or hatred of strangers
or foreigners.
X - Xanadu

n: an idyllic, exotic, or luxurious place.

Y - Yelling

Do I really need to give the
definition here?
Y - Yowl

n: howl or wail

Z - Herr Z

Oh, so easy on the eyes.
Z - Zeppelin

I cannot believe CMX actually
translated this as blimp. Please!

P - Pimp Glasses

Not to be ignored, and
requested by aberglaube
Klaus in his pimp glasses.


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