Forgotten goodies, corrections, and additions

Apr 01, 2008 17:48

As I've been doing the reviews of the stories, there are some things that I later realized I should have included. Others have made suggestions of lines to include, and our ever-helpful Japanese speakers have expanded on other information.

--> Page 73 - Dorian’s submarine is called AQUA ZEP. Clearly a hat tip to Led Zeppelin, the group after which Eroica and his gang are modeled. For those who do not know,
Eroica = Robert Plant.
James = Jimmy Page
Bonham = John “Bonzo” Bonham
John Paul/Jones = John Paul Jones

Dorian’s name is a combination of various humorous goodies. His surname and title of Gloria is from the wife of Zeppelin’s manager, Peter Grant. His first name is from Oscar Wilde’s “Picture of Dorian Gray.” His middle name is from that, and another joke. In Japanese to English, the L and R are often interchanged--sometimes amusingly so. Led Zeppelin becomes Red Zepperin. Dorian Red - Dorian Led. ;-D Yeah, the author loves in-jokes.

Klaus: That kid is a regular pain in the neck. I really can’t fathom what you see in him. *Ditto, Major.* (FAN: What a pampered boy. I just can’t understand why you’re so devoted to him.)
Dorian: He’s just delicate.
Klaus: Delicate? He’s a wimp. He has to be toughened up. It’s for his own good. (FAN: Wimpy, not delicate, I’d say. He lacks virility! He’s no good unless you discipline him.)
*Can I watch?*

Klaus: Add a little backbone to that intellect of his and you’d have quite a man.
*Actually, you’d have Dorian, Major.*

--> Page 190 - The Duchess Boulanger is first introduced as Countess. According to maki_t , Viscountess is the correct translation and Duchess-and Duke-are the mistranslations. Imagine that.

Maya: You’re handsome...attractive, really
Dorian: Why, thank you. I too must say your handiwork is most impressive. You have a Greek shipping tycoon eating out of your hand. Perhaps I, too, should try seducing in the same way. Perhaps a head of state, or an Arabian oil tycoon. Male, of course.

Dorian: It seems the KGB is missing one vital piece of information. You must have the clerk write in “Homosexual.”
*[deadpan] GASP! [/deadpan]*

--> Page 90 - The KGB man that the Major calls “Crazy Ivan” looks like a younger version of agent Polar Bear, who turns up in “Glass Target.” I am informed that, in the original Japanese, the Major’s references to him that are translated as Commie in CMX, and polar bear in the fan version could either be derogatory epithets for the KGB, or his actual code name of “Polar Bear.” Since the code name doesn’t seem to have been specifically given for the agent in question, I refer to him as Crazy Ivan in the quotes.

--> Page 123 - Amongst all the undergarments hanging on the clothesline are a bra and what looks like a pair of bloomers.
Draw your own conclusions. I’m not going there. O_o

--> Page 102 - Personal gripe, kind of… The word SMACK is written from top to bottom, right to left. Every time I see it, I think it’s written backwards.

--> Page 115 - The Don whom we met in “Dramatic Spring” makes his first of many reappearances. CMX has him as Gian Maria Vololante. The fan translation has his name as Gian-Maria Borobollonte.

Klaus: (to James) Go back to sucking that pot!
*I’m not sure I want to take that out of context.*

--> Personal gripe. Like the royal we, the fact that CMX refers to Iron Klaus as “the” Iron Klaus bugs the hell out of me. And it happens a lot in this story. Is there more than one Iron Klaus? The definite article before the nickname is unnecessary and, quite frankly, annoying. We don’t get the Klaus, the Eroica, the Mischa. So why the Iron Klaus? *growl*

--> Page 143 - James says he counts the money every night and comes up with the same count. 999,999 100-mark notes. This is mathematically impossible. Counting one note per second would take 999,999 seconds = 16,666.6 minutes = 277.7 hours = 11.5 days.

Many thanks to maki_t for further background on the opening to the story, which is a burlesque of the Japanese traditional horror fiction. [Sara-yashiki (皿屋敷)] Okiku counts the plates. In Japan, the individual plates or paper are counted by saying “mai” after the quantity. Okiku counts up to nine plates, but one(ichi-mai) is missing. The man who killed Okiku worries himself into sleeplessness. The parallel shows James counts up to 999,999 100-mark note, but one is missing. The one who suffers from sleeplessness should be the Major, but he falls fast asleep every night. It is poor Dorian who worries himself into sleeplessness.

--> Page 143 - James curses the Major. The fan version states that he’ doing classic Japanese cursing complete with candle in the headband, apparently. To me, it looked like he drew a voodoo doll and then drove a spike through it.

Thanks to maki_t yet again for more information! It seems James is practicing a famous form of Japanese black magic. [Ushino koku mairi] The name refers to the time between 1 and 3 in the morning. A person who wants to put a curse on someone goes to a shrine with this doll at this time and nails it on the sacred tree (which is called “Goshin-boku). The doll made of straw is a substitute for cursed person. (While the doll is being nailed, the nailer thoroughly puts a curse.) This is a typical scene from the costume dramas and the occult comics.

--> Page 177 - James charters the Air France Concord to fly to Alaska. I’m sure there is a reason all of the air stewards look alike. Anyone know who they are supposed to resemble? The only French actor popular at the time that I could think of was Louis Jourdan. The considered opinion of (some) members of Schloss Eberbach is that it might actually be the 1970s French heartthrob Alain Delon, who was popular in Japan at the time this story came out.

--> Page 18 - And the canister on the table has MJB on it. This, it turns out, is a subsidiary of Nestle.

--> Page 11 - The lead KGB agent’s code name is translated differently in each version. CMX - Green Raccoon FAN - Green Badger Which is correct?

Thank you to norwayblue_eyesfor the clarification. The KGB agent's code name is from a type of instant noodles - Midori No Tanuki - that translates as Green Raccoon soba. Tanuki can be translated various ways, depending on usage. The most accurate is raccoon (dog), but can also be badger, or fox. Also, the agent defeated in Rome, Red Fox, got his name from instant noodles, too. Akai Kitsune udon.

--> Page 69 - The conversation on the elevator after the woman leaves. It begins: Chief: “She wasn't wearing bra, you know.” Klaus: “That's not sort of thing a director of intelligence should be talking about.” After this, the Chief’s reply is wrong in BOTH translations!
CMX - “I can really do without you being so confrontational first thing in the morning. She was a 36.”
FAN: “Don’t be so rude this early in the morning. She looks like 36 inches.”
CORRECT: “I just thought she shouldn't be dressed so provocatively first thing in the morning. She was at least a 36.”
Thank you to norwayblue_eyes for the correction.

--> Page 106 - The Major’s dialogue after his calm comment that it is too late-and those that follow-is a garbled mess and completely out of sequence.

Thank you to norwayblue_eyes for the proper sequence.
(2nd row from top, left panel)
The glass supplier: “One of our employees received an order for extremely strong glass. And, without knowing what it was, he used it.”
Klaus: “Without knowing? Were it that simple! A top secret material was used for a showcase of all things!”

(bottom right panel)
Klaus: “That idiot employee and his manager should be fired! Do you hear me?! Fired!”
Chief: “That's enough. What's done is done.”

--> Page 75 - Dorian punches the sleeping Lawrence and then runs away. I think this is the only time he has ever struck someone. Thanks to enigel for reminding me that Dorian slapped the shit out of Mischa in “Hallelujah Express.” I suppose I should say that it's the only time he's punched someone without provocation.
EDIT: I am amused that everyone says they want to punch Lawrence, but it is Dorian who actually does.

--> My personal aside about Polar Bear. I said I didn’t think it was the same man as the KGB agent in “Dramatic Spring” that the Major calls “Crazy Ivan” at the beginning of the story. It seems I was sort of right.

Thank you to norwayblue_eyes for the author’s thoughts on this very subject. In the book “The Making of ‘Eroica Yori Ai wo Komete’” Aoike talks about Polar Bear’s first appearance. She says that his first appearance was actually earlier than Mischa’s, this being in “Dramatic Spring.” However, she admits in that story he was only rated as one of the minor KGB’s and called “Polar Bear” which is more like a derogatory epithet than his actual code name. She then states, “So I'll say his official appearance is in Glass Target.”

humor, fan translations, official translations

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