Dec 07, 2004 21:06
My friend kelsey sent me this so i figured i would do this. well leave me a comment. ttyl
-Name: Janie Schliter
-Middle Name: Kay
-Month you were born in: October
-Your Horoscope: Scorpio
-Rap or Rock: rock
-Pop or Rap: both
-Pop or Rock: rock
-Jazz or Instrumental: jazz
-Classics or Modern music: modern music
-Most talented position in a band I would have to say the lead singer because he basically kind of runs the whole band I would say.
Your Life
-Who's one person who you miss more than anyone else (still living): umm… most no who that is, but if not ask me
-My Strengths are: friends
-My Weaknesses are: guys
-Most remembered childhood moment: just spending time with my mom.
-Do you plan on attending college?: yes I do
-If you had to pick one career to go into right now, what would it be(excluding professional sports): umm… well it may be a social worker since it says excuding professional sports but if I could it would be something to do with racing (nascar)
-If you could have a date with someone who doesnt know you, who would it be?: ummm…. Chad M. M.
-If you could have a date with someone who does know you, who would it be?: I don't know… well I do but I am gonna keep that to myself.
-Are you usually the heartbreaker or the one who gets their heart broken : I am usually the one who gets my heart broken.
Would You Rather
-Would you rather Join the Circus, or Join the Army?: circus, for some reason I feel like I would belong there
-Would you rather listen to country, or kill a country musician?: listen to country
-Would you rather kill and animal, or kill a vegetarian?: kill an animal
-Would you rather be a high school dropout and fail, or go to college, earn a degree then fail: highschool because then it wouldn’t cost as much!
-Would you rather run 5 miles or swim one?: swim one
-Would you rather watch Sports center or a sitcom?: well probably sports center
-Would you rather host a party or go to a party?: go to a party, not my house being trashed
-Would you rather choose Music or Movies?: music, I love it!
-Would you rather be Booksmart or Streetsmart?: streetsmart
-Would you rather see something coming, or would you rather it surprise you?: depends on what it is, sad things I would be better if I knew they were coming but good, happy things can surprise me.
-Do you beleive in ghosts?: yes
-Do you think youve ever seen a ghost?: I am not sure of seeing them but do believe I have heard them
-At what age were you able to believe that Santa Claus wasnt real?: I don’t remember
-Do you believe in God?: yes of course I do I go to MLS
-Why do you think God's name is just "God", why other gods get cool names like Allah and Buda?: because it fits him… I don't know anyone else have an explanation?
-Do you believe in abstinence of sex(no sex before marriage-) well I don’t necessarily believe in it but I know most people don’t-aren’t gonna wait and I am not gonna damn them to hell if they don’t wait.
-Do you believe in fate?: yes I do.
-Do you believe in love at first sight?: yes I do