Writing a blog is much less intimidating than speaking in front of a crowd

Nov 19, 2004 00:28

Tonight I spoke at the PSU weekly meeting on the great commission. It's funny how nervous I get about speaking. I have been doing more of it recently, but I still worry. I used to talk in front of people quite a bit for business classes. Now, when teaching about spiritual things, I feel a need to prepare so much more and think about what I say. Part of it is knowing how much more this matters than a dumb business plan or SWOT analysis. (Anyone else out there know what a SWOT Analysis is?) I think another part of it is just not liking getting in front of people. It's funny how God asks us to get out of our comfort zone.

One thing I sure appreciate about teaching though: It makes you learn the material! I think the best advice I ever received about speaking was to "be an expert on what you're talking about." If that's the case, talking about it will be a whole lot easier.

I think another reason I get nervous is wanting to get everything right. If I ran a number wrong in a statistical analysis, it wasn't that big of a deal. If I teach something wrong, it could be heresy. James 3:1 is a sobering verse for me.
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