Dec 03, 2005 20:12
Sweet waters of my dreams
Slowly flowing in memories
Of someone missed,
Someone so fragile, so delicate
Where are you? So close
To the edge of the rims
In the watery beds
Bubbles forming,
Ever shining,
What are they showing?
Memories of you crying
Moments of you crumbling,
The delicate fingers,
Crushed over my shoulders
Your face wearing a mask
Of tears and sorrow,
So afraid, so shivering
Leaning against someone,
Hands pressed against mine
Hearts pitying each other
Only if we could sink
Into the watery palaces
Of our dreams,
Patterns of love and light
Adorning us both
The word is "If."
Where are you residing now?
My struggling fingers tremble
I can't help but shake
All alone, it is so cold
In the long nights,
Wishing for only one thing
If my hands could carry you
Why has the magic gone?
Something has broken?
I am floating on waters
Being cradled to sleep
In my dreams, in this vessel
Where the waters are my tears
I do need you, do miss you
Just needing you in my life,
Where are you, lonely one?
Do not torment me with
Simple reminders,
If Helen launched thousand ships
You are sending me to madness.
Forever, and ever drowning from within.
Need a muse, please send applications