[21:55] DoctorDweeb: When I was in junior high, they made us watch The Sound of Music and write a paper about its underlying themes.
[21:55] Gogo: "It's a descriptive poem! I don't need any other reasons!"
[21:55] Gogo: *DIES at DD*
[21:55] Gogo: That's insane.
[21:55] DoctorDweeb: I turned in a three-page report about how it was the most horrible, sadistic movie I'd ever seen in my life.
[21:55] The_Doctor: ...Oh, geez, once mum made the whole family sit down to watch Sound of Music because she felt we needed family time and it was on t.v. and thought everyone needed to see it once. Ow. Ow, the pain.
[21:56] DoctorDweeb: I was like, "Okay, so there's this misfit novice, and what do the nuns do? They send her to look after kids who are known to drive their nannies to nervous breakdowns. And this is supposed to be a happy movie?"
[21:57] Dib: Sound of Music was also during the War, wasn't it?
[21:57] DoctorDweeb: My teacher read it and was all, "Well, that's certainly a very...unusual interperetation."
[21:57] Primavera: DD, that's a totally sensible interpretation!
[21:57] DoctorDweeb: *nodnod* I think that's what they wanted out of us, but I was obnoxious.
[21:58] Gogo: JD bloody LOVES that movie. Drives me nuts.
[21:58] Dib: My mom told me she watched it and didn't realize how totally depressing it was XD
[21:58] DoctorDweeb: It IS. It's supposed to be this fluffy, uplifting movie, but if you really think about it...
[21:58] Primavera: And then the kids' father turns out to be a total dom control freak
[21:59] Primavera: And she has to make them clothes out of curtains even though they're ridiculously wealthy
[21:59] * Sirius cries - you people are ruining my childhood!
[21:59] DoctorDweeb: Oh, I KNOW. And let's not even go into the Baroness and all her associated psychological implications.
[21:59] Primavera: The Baroness was hot.
[22:00] DoctorDweeb: LOL! Sorry, Sirius. *hugs* I was an evil, cynical little bastard of a child, and I grew up into an evil, cynical littl bastard of an adult.
[22:00] Sirius: I just liked musicals :P
[22:00] Sirius: I actually was Brigitta's understudy in a dinner theatre version of that show
[22:00] DoctorDweeb: The guy who did my first tattoo had a tattoo of the Baroness.
[22:00] Sirius: Never got to perform as her, tho
[22:00] DoctorDweeb: Aw, bummer.
[22:01] Dib: WHY did I take solitaire off my computer. I am stupid.
[22:02] *** fanny_eating is now known as Fanny.
[22:03] Fanny: the Porncow to Jack A.: "Look, I think you're really hot. Just ... be hot. Don't question it."
[22:03] DoctorDweeb: LOL
[22:04] Cissa: THE PORNCOW WINS xDD
[22:04] Fanny: Jack will be like, "But I'm not warm at all. Actually, it's rather chilly in here."
[22:04] * The_Doctor would be intrigued and frightened to read some of Porncow's fics.
[22:05] DoctorDweeb: Poor, poor Jack. He's probably better off with his innocence.
[22:06] * Cissa has now read the Sound of Music commentary in chat and is stunned...
[22:06] Gogo: *snickers* Well, I've made Gogo a yaoi fan - she talked to Ryuuji about it once...
[22:07] DoctorDweeb: Poor Cissa...we didn't break your brain, did we?
[22:07] * The_Doctor marks this day as Free Sock Day, thanks to Molly.
[22:07] DoctorDweeb: Yes! Free socks for EVERYBODY!
[22:07] Cissa: I just... had never looked at it like that
[22:07] The_Doctor: Socks are love, people. RESPECT THE SOCKS.
[22:07] DoctorDweeb: Cissa: I was a very, very warped child.
[22:07] DoctorDweeb: (Obviously)
[22:08] * Cissa nwo suddenly wants to go through with apping Captain Von Trapp with all this stuff added in
[22:08] Fanny: one of my friends dressed for Halloween as "the place where socks go"
[22:08] The_Doctor: XD! What did your friend LOOK like?
[22:08] DoctorDweeb: Cissa: DO IT!
[22:08] The_Doctor: So saying Sound of Music is pretty much sadomasochistic and depressing would be like saying Lord of the Flies is full of hope and love, more or less.
[22:08] Cissa: BUT I'M NOT BECUASE I'M DONE app things... except OC Squiibait soemday when I learn the ways of teh funneh
[22:09] DoctorDweeb: I will SO app WarpedLogic!Maria if you do.
[22:09] Fanny: my friend dressed all in black with stray socks stuck to her
[22:09] Cissa: YOU SHOULD DO THAT, even without me HAHAAH
[22:09] DoctorDweeb: Doc: Yeah, pretty much. Give me enough time and I bet I could use my special twisted DD logic to make it work.
[22:09] DoctorDweeb: ...you know, I'm so very, very tempted to.
[22:10] Cissa: She could make clothing from the school tapestries!
[22:10] Primavera: You'll have to wait a month from your other apps
[22:10] Sirius: Sirius hates curtains!
[22:10] Sirius: He'd be scared of the Maria clothes!
[22:10] DoctorDweeb: LOL. Though really, Cissa, I'm almost more tempted to do SadoMasochist!Captain von Trapp.
[22:11] * The_Doctor finds this whole conversation frighteningly hilarious!
[22:11] Cissa: My childhood would be so ruined xDDDD
[22:11] DoctorDweeb: I think almost everyone's would be.
[22:11] Fanny: Sirius - have you seen Remus's interaction with the Porncow?
[22:11] Cissa: Cissa (as in Narcissa) would totally find him hot xDDDD
[22:11] DoctorDweeb: ...o.O Oh dear.
[22:11] Sirius: Not yet!
[22:11] Sirius: Did you see Sirius's? :P
[22:12] Fanny:
http://community.livejournal.com/hogwarts_hocus/832410.html?thread=40467098#t40467098[22:12] Fanny: I did see Sirius's, and it scared me
[22:12] Sirius: hahahahaha, scared poor James too!
[22:12] Sirius: It's the porncow
[22:12] Sirius: She works a special kind of magic!
[22:13] DoctorDweeb: The porncow wins at life.
[22:13] Sirius: heeeeeeee!
[22:13] *** Lily-Scrubafied is now known as Lily.
[22:13] Lily: I come back, we're talking about the porncow
[22:13] Lily: Life is good
[22:13] The_Doctor: Lily! Let us ruin your childhood!
[22:13] Lily: Whee!
[22:13] DoctorDweeb: *DIES* at Remus and the porncow
[22:14] Lily: How is my childhood being ruined now?
[22:14] The_Doctor: Sound of Music = some very fucked up sadomasochistic shit, yo.
[22:14] Lily: ...O.o
[22:14] DoctorDweeb: According to teenaged DD, that is.
[22:14] Fanny: yes, there are people who ship Remus/Harry
[22:14] * Lily is scrolling up...
[22:14] Sirius: Gogo, do crickets chirp at night in Scotland?
[22:14] * Cissa gives Lily the brainscrub
[22:15] The_Doctor: And it's COMPLETELY TRUE, DD. So very true.
[22:15] DoctorDweeb: In its own special, special way, it is.
[22:15] DoctorDweeb: Fanny: I'd believe it. There are people who ship Harry/Hedwig, for God's sake. *twitch*
[22:15] DoctorDweeb: No kidding.
[22:15] The_Doctor: ...OWOWOWOWOW.
[22:15] * Lily DIES SO MUCH
[22:16] Lily: It's So TRUE DD!
[22:16] Gogo: Siri - the only place I've ever known them to is at the bus stop outside my favourite club...
[22:16] Dib: .......
[22:16] DoctorDweeb: HAHAHA! See, my theory will take over the world!
[22:16] Lily: ...Harry/Hedwig?
[22:16] Sirius: The crickets were chirping outside a club?? That's weird!
[22:16] * Lily chugs brainbleach
[22:16] DoctorDweeb: I've seen it. Though that's not as bad as some of the others I could name.
[22:16] Lily: How is that ... OH GOD!
[22:16] Lily: That's like Lily's reactions in the Porncow app
[22:16] DoctorDweeb: Best not to think about it, really.
[22:16] Lily: It's just WRONG
[22:17] * Lily fav ship that her puppet thought of was Mr. Quac