"Ulzzang" (or that classic) Effect

Nov 28, 2010 15:31

"Ulzzang" Effect
in Photoshop CS5

I'm seeing a lot of people asking how to get this "ulzzang" effect or how to make this picture look like "that." And from looking at the pictures, I'm getting the drift that a lot of you want to know how to do colorizations and such. There is no one way to create an effect; most of the results come out just purely by experiment. You can look up lots and lots of colorizing tutorials on deviantart and livejournal, and you can try to take the .psds and copy every single step, but you won't ever get the exact same result on different pictures. You just have to learn how to mess with everything. However, I started learning how to colorize by repeating tutorials on how to colorize and learning what this and that does. So I'll help you guys out by showing you my take on the "ulzzang" effect. A lot of people have quite simple ways to do it, and some have it more complex, but this is just how I'd do it using Photoshop CS5.

First, open up your image.
This is the one I'm using: click/

1. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves
A window title "New Layer" should pop up. Click okay. Then there should be another window (perhaps to side) indicating that it is a curves window. Click anywhere inside that graph then towards the bottom set the output to 162. Input to 116.

2. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Selective Color
Click okay on new layer; the window should be indicated as selective color. Now if you look here....

you'll see that in that little window, there are all these different colors listed in the drop down list. (Reds, Yellows, Greens, etc.) Click on Reds and set the bar under Cyan to -100%. Set Yellow to +100%. Now click the drop down list and go to Yellows. Set Cyan to -93% and Yellow to +93%. Now go to Whites. Set Cyan to 69% and Yellow to -64%. Switch to Neutrals and set Cyan to +25% and Yellow to -30%.

3. Now we're going to make his skin have a bit more color. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Selective Color and follow the same process.

Reds: Cyan -32%; Yellow +49%
Yellows: Cyan -53%; Yellow +64%
Neutrals: Cyan -13%; Yellow +20%

4. Now create a new, empty layer. Grab the paint bucket tool, choose this color: #eee6c9 and fill in the whole layer. Now in your Layers window, change the layer to Luminosity with the opacity at 25%. It looks like this:

5. Following the same pattern, create a new layer and fill it with this color: #0a0a38. Set the layer to Exclusion with an opacity of 75%.

6. Now create a new layer and go to Image > Apply Image.

7. In that very same layer, go to Filter > Sharpen and there! You roughly have the "ulzzang" effect.

If you guys would like the .psd to see how I did it more clearly, you can get it here: @ deviantart/

Please remember that it will never help you learn by just using my premade settings to edit your images every time. The .psd is not for commercial use.

What my picture turned out like:

ulzzang effect coloring tutorial

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