FIRE OF AIR. Serious and intellectual, you live in the world of thoughts and ideas. You grasp things quicker than most and are a master debater. Your verbal skills are unparalleled; your conversations are stimulating. You are concerned with issues of justice. Your standards are high, so there is danger of becoming too moralistic. While truth is generally an honorable thing, chew on this: "Why Yes Herr Strudel, my neighbor IS hiding Jews in his basement!" You're Christopher Walken in Suicide Kings.
Quizcreated by
Polly Snodgrass.
Find Your Warped Personalitythis quiz was made by
mysti i am:
which poopie are you?a quiz by
sleepyfun Sleep? Hell no. Rest? Hell no..
You have too much to do, a lot to acomplish.
Stay away from coffee and sharp objects.
take the
druggie quiz You aren't sure where you came from. Perhaps your sire did an embrace and run. Or maybe your sire was an outcast himself. Either way, your powers are unique and really don't belong to any clan...or maybe a little from each. Because you of these circumstances, you aren't really sure where you belong. You tend to wander and do a bit of soul searching in your eternal life. Maybe some have a while after all
What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?Test Created By
oronoda What
Goth Are You?
You're Pinhead!
Leader to the group known as
The Cenobites.
You Feed off the pain of others,
and you don't give a fuck what god thinks
of your actions.
"Do i look like someone who cares what god thinks?"
No, but you have a killer sense of style!
You're here simply to bring souls back to hell with you. to torture!
What Horror Movie Villian am I?
Which Action Star Are You? Find out @
She's Crafty here is a site for some more good quizzes.... have fun people.. lol