Mar 22, 2005 02:51
You just signed off, and I'm sitting here in solitude...Trying to piece together my thoughts and perhaps make a delve into my novel...I doubt I'm going to get there this morning, however...Because sleep is weighing heavy on my eyes.
I feel like you and I really bonded tonight. We've always been good friends, but I think in my heart that we over-stepped the realm of "good" and into the realm of "close". No one in my entire life has ever said the things that you said to me tonight...not even close. The two men that I have always believed were like the brothers God forgot to give me at one point didn't even believe in me as much as you do.
Does that make YOU my brother? Perhaps...Perhaps it makes us stronger than that, I don't know...time will tell. Over the years, I have never forgotten your kindness when it came to me...But not once did I ever think it would stretch as far as it did tonight.
They don't make words to describe you, Ry...And I would be a fool to sit here and try to make them up.
So, I'm just going to close, and say I love you, I believe in you, and I will always be here for you.
With total adoration,