Guh! What A GREAT Night! (No...REALLY!)

Mar 18, 2005 00:09

I woke up from a "nap" at 10pm...I grabbed a couple slices of cold pizza out of the fridge, and stole a bottle of Dad's Mountain Dew while I was in there.

I signed online feeling like something that had been stuck to the bottom of someone's shoe for a VERY long time...Y'know that unrecognizable gunk that you can't seem to scrape off, even with a butter knife and a weed whacker? Yeah...something like that.

Anyway, I was sitting here, perusing the Mraz board, when an IM popped up with a cheerful "Happy St. Patty's Day!" It was RYAN!!!! (No, not Gosling...MY Ryan!)

We talked for a little while in IM, and then I made a chat and joeys1gal31 and SWGrrl Ryan, and I all hopped into a private chat together...We had a REALLY good least I did...Dunno if the girls enjoyed it all that much, but I'm pretty sure Ry got a kick out of it.

My favorite piece of the conversation went something like this...

Ryan: I have a pet snake
Me: RYAN!!!!
Ryan: I'm not gonna tell you how big he's gotten...
Me: Ryan Michael, you are going to hell for putting that image in my mind!
Ryan: I'm the devil.

He sent the demo that some of you gave feedback on to his connection, and they really liked it! I told him I knew they would, to which he told me to "Stop it!"...LOL! I can't help it...I'm PROUD gawd-dammit! He also said that he's thinking of recording some of his songs with just his voice and the piano...and that when he gets the tracks layed down, he wants me to hear them first...I nearly fainted...He's putting so much faith and trust in me...I don't feel worthy at all, but I am so humbled it's ridiculous.

He gave me some advice about some situations I shared with him from my life right now...It pretty much echoed the advice of other people I've talked to, but, somehow coming from him...And the fact that he's known me since we were pretty much kids...It kinda sounds different...Almost, more logical...I dunno. It's weird.

He's my boy...And I'm so glad he's back in my life...I can't express that enough.

Oh, and Ry? Congratulations on your first successful usage of the term "LMAO"...I'm SO proud! *sniffle*

Small improvements with Mom...

The nurse reported to Dad that she opened her eyes at one point today, and would say "Yes." and "No." She wasn't saying those words in the correct CONTEXT, or to the right questions...but it's a start, I guess. The nurse also said that at some point while she was out of the room, Mom managed to turn herself over onto her side.

Baby steps...But, it's like Dad said today..."She loses a little bit of herself every time this happens to her." She's never going to be the woman she used to be, but...I'm glad to have her here for as long as God will leave her here.

And love will come from the most unexpected places if you just look hard enough...

I posted about her on the Mrazmerized board, and asked for prayers from the other members there...The out-pouring of love and support I recieved in return posts was MIND-BLOWING! I love those people SO much...They all have hearts of absolute GOLD! People I haven't even met yet on there have offered to chat with me if I need to talk...*shakes head in amazement*

I talked to my new friend Ja9 on the phone for a little while today. I met her at the Mrazmerized board, and she's SO great and fun to talk to! We exchanged digits last night, and I rang her today just to say hello and get a break from the monotony and the dark cloud that is my life at this space in time. Dad was being grumpy-pants and made me get off the phone LONG before I wanted to...But that's okay...I know he's frustrated and scared right now, so I'm being really cautious with upsetting him.

Ja9 and I hung up and we agreed we'd talk tonight online, but she was already away by the time I got here...Which was 1am her time, so I'm sure she went to bed for school tomorrow. I'll catch her manana, I'm sure!

Just to clarify "Ja9" is a nickname Ben and I came up with because her name is actually Janine...Yeah, we're clever! LOL!

And last but definitely not least, Mraz posted a new journal entry today on his site...Which ALWAYS brings a big old silly-ass smile to my face.

Here, he's talking about computers and "the digital age"...I found this quite amusing.

It sucks. And who can promise me all of those things will last inside the little grey storage facility? They haven’t been around that long. Any day they could spring to life and with all the information we’ve fed them, they could turn on us, using our own brain power, but in a network collective of course, far greater and smarter than any of us, and elect Kevin & Britney as the new King and Queen and make us all eat poo for the rest of our lives. I’d give it all up if I weren’t addicted to writing this drivel on the web.

And finally; Here, he is referring to a cover-article on K.Fed...In which Mr. Britney cussed like a drunken sailor...This is CLASSIC!

Ciao for now, I got babies to make.

And one more thing: Shit shit shit damn shit shit ass fuck shit bitch ass, shit shit fuck shit shit fuck ass shit shit shit damn shit shit ass motherfuckin’ shit fuck.

That’s one more than what was in the interview, which should automatically elect me for my own feature now.
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