It's Morning Already?

Mar 05, 2005 08:51

Probably a stupid title considering I went to bed earlier this morning, but still...I'm actually starting to see a trend in the time I go to sleep and the time I wake up...Could I actually have some kind of schedule? Whoa...Trippy shit, man...

I go to bed at 2:30 normally...That's when Dad growls at me and lets me know it's time. I take my meds right then, and hop into bed...And I've been waking up somewhere between 9 and 10 for like, 2 weeks now. I usually end up taking a 2 or 3 hour nap somewhere around 3 or 4pm...Whenever the housework is done. But yeah...I've got myself on a schedule now...Cool!

If you look at my actual LJ and not just your friends page, please forgive the messed up way the layout looks right now...It's currently under construction. I made a feeble attempt at doing it myself last night, and didn't get very far as you can see. So...if anyone out there is willing to give me a hand, I'm willing to swallow my pride and accept help. LOL!

Mr. Book has another question for us!

Take it away, Mr. Book!

Question #16:

If at birth you could select the profession your child would eventually pursue, would you do so?

Can I get a "Hell No!"???

As far as I'm concerned, what profession you choose is based on what your interests are. And what your interests are is based on WHO you are.

Deciding my child's profession at birth would be like plotting the entire course of their life. That would not be my place as a parent. A parent's job is to guide and watch over their child as he or she progresses down life's path...Not to preset the path for them.

You can't change who you are inside. You should never be able to choose who anyone else is either, whether they're your offspring or not.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Mama, Den, and Miss Friday, (I name you guys cause I believe you're the only people who read this with little ones...Sorry if I forgot anyone!) But a large part of the joy of being a parent is watching what your child transforms into. Seeing their habits, and their likes and dislikes, and essentially their entire personalities spring out of what was once this helpless little creature is an amazing thing.

You three have been able to watch it up close and personal, I have only been able to watch from afar...But it still has the same effect on me. I didn't just create a baby...I created a LIFE. A life that's going to have ups and downs, and good times and bad...A life that's going to learn and change and grow over time...It's a truly amazing feeling. Overwhelming sometimes when I really consider the possibilities of it.

Michaela is a gift that God LOANED to me. He doesn't give us our children, in my opinion...He loans them. He says, "Here, take this little angel and watch after it for me...Teach it well, and then set it free so that it may discover it's own free will."

The bottom line is...Who am I to argue with God?

More later guys! Everyone take care, and fumankaneki and Mama, have a great time in Chicago! And Kan, I want pictures of that kiss you give Rick for me! Teehee!
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