The sign said, "Long-haired freaky people need not apply"

Jun 30, 2010 09:48

I spent all afternoon yesterday waiting for the guy from Standard TV & Appliance to come fix the microwave (we had an extended warranty, thankfully, because it was 3 months out of the manufacturer's warranty), but he got way behind on his earlier jobs and never came. He called a bit after 4:00 (his window was 2:00-4:00) to say he'd be at least an hour. He called again just before 6:00. He said he would "be happy" to come out then if I wanted him to; I said it was fine with me, but that we could reschedule if he wanted to go home. No, no, no, he could come out, but it might take over an hour (which turned into two, later in the conversation). He really was trying to be accommodating, but I could tell he really just wanted to go have dinner, so I cut the poor guy some slack. He'll be out here today, between 2:00 and 4:00. We hope. ;-)

Weirdly, though, this pissed me off more than I was expecting (I don't think I was expecting it to piss me off at all, frankly), so I had to play solitaire for a while before I got over feeling bitchy. Odd.

Work is going well -- in fact, I'm going to run out soon if I don't get some more projects. Luckily, Leslie has an idea she wants to "play with" for one of the new titles, which will allow me to experiment with filters and whatnot. Actual creativity! I'm looking forward to that. ^_^

Um, Coffee wit da Goils® today, so I'd better go get showered. Ciao, bella!

hurry up and wait, service people, friends, microwave, work

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