Am Done

Jun 19, 2008 00:03

I've had the hardest fucking day I've had in a long time. I think I aged 10 years today during a very emotional 3 hour meeting. I've said my piece. I've taken my stand. I did the right thing even though it was so fucking hard. But I can live with myself and in the end, that is all that matters. Now it's just a matter of catching up to what the head already knows.

But on the bright side, I have passed the first unit of my course. Now all that is left is the MA in September.

Immediate plans:

24-25 June -Pack up and prepare to move out
26 June - London
27-29- Scotland
30 June - London again
1 July - Singapore

And then two months of doing nothing...well except perhaps some advance research reading. But I am SO ready to go home for a break. I am so ready to be taken care of. I'm so ready to stop being the leaning pole for others. I need a rest. Am done.

matters of the heart

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