Jumping the gun

Dec 08, 2014 20:41

Today was the first day of my new job. I am feeling doubts if this was a good choice. It is not what I thought it was going to be. I am worried that the skills I had honed over the past 5 years will be lost as I am called to do something different.

I can look at the bright side and tell myself I am learning new things even if I lost touch with the old skills. Maybe real skills are like riding a bike and can never be lost? I need to feel that way. Mom suggested integrating the style of what I used to do with what I have to do now. I think that's where the solution lies. But of course before I can modify things, I need to be competent in the basics.

I contacted R, my previous CS, again. I need her calm and encouragement but more so her perspective and experience. The good thing is that my new office is but a 5 minute walk away from R's office. I hope she has after 6 appointments available.

Other than the work, I am also kind of disappointed by the team and the office. First of all, I am the only female in the work team. I can't wrap my head around that. Secondly, my desk was squeezed into an available space. Nothing has been set up. I truly hope this is but a temporary situation. After having an office to myself, I now find myself in a cubicle. Not that I mind cubicles but I feel a bit like an afterthought.

I have to remind myself that I have never dealt well with transitions and this is a big one. I have to give myself time and take things easy. I have to stop jumping the gun and thinking 3 steps into the future and instead take one day at a time. I have to remind myself that bad time will pass, things will get familiar and situations will change.

war stories from the office

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