Life is short. Screw career advancement!

Jan 22, 2014 20:52

I was recently promoted with a substantial raise. I never asked for it. With it came new responsibilities. With it also came colleagues who were my friends, suddenly speaking ill of me behind my back.

I don't need the title nor the money. I live a simple life and my purpose is to live a meaningful life where I am making a difference. Management is not for me.

So as soon as my boss has some free time, I plan to meet with her and ask to step down and go back to my old pay and responsibilities. It's a tough decision because she fought for me and has supported me all this time. However in the long run, this is the best decision for both of us.

What I would have learned from this short stint is the true characters of my colleagues. I know now who are the true friends - the one who treated the same as ever - and who are the ones who are sad individuals who live half-lives. That lesson is priceless and I don't mind paying the price.

a picture speaks a thousand, war stories from the office, not just any job

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