Oct 27, 2008 15:41
Yes, now is the time of year when a young man's thoughts turn to.. the sheer amount of work he'll have to get done next semester to graduate.
I've learned from this semester to try to pack in as much as possible into a few days at school to maximize my free time. This semester, I do have six hours on Tuesday and Thursday.. But it is in between classes and isn't really ideal for getting anything done. Luckily, my BIG laptop should be fixed by then, so I won't necessarily have to get onto campus to do anything computer intensive like I do now.
So, I'm trying to pack everything I can into the days that I HAVE to be there because of classes that I MUST take in order to graduate. The first being Geo-305, which is Environmental Hazards Assessment, which I need to top off one requirement. Basically, everything else is focused around this class. So far, it is looking like my Tuesdays and Thursdays will start with a class at 8 in the morning, with 15 minutes between each class for five classes straight, and then I get to go home at 3:15 in the afternoon.
That might not sound like much fun, but believe me, this will be a MUCH better schedule than this semester. I'm on campus 3 days a week now, one day just for one class, and two days witha HUGE gap in between two classes. In fact, on Thursday I just have two classes, and I have to wait that entire six hours just to finish my day. BORING. And this semester is a big "see-saw". I have Sunday night until Monday night free, and then I have to go to class and get back home at about 10 to go to bed. Then I get up at 5AM to get to school on time, and again I don't get home until 10 Tuesday night, and then I finally get to relax. It's a wierd schedule.
This way, I'll have ALL of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday completely open to either work, do homework, or relax. AND I'll have Tuesday and Thursday Nights and most of the Afternoon open as well. AND no having to get home late for one class to get up early for the next class. That's huge! If I get one Tuesday or Thursday off, it's also an instant 3 day weekend for me as well, which is also nice.
All right, I should go. I have an exercise to finish for 641 which is due.. tonight. So I'd better dedicate myself to getting that done.