There's too much for me to post about here of things that have happened since the last entry and I won't even bother trying to get comprehensive on the matter. I'll just summarize up some stuff.
Holiday break was decent. After the sister's graduation the only worthwhile thing was New Years. I got trashed for the first time ever in New Jersey that night. And I brought the New Year in with a cigar in my mouth and a champagne bottle in my hands. Cigars have been my thing of 2007. I had one cigar in 05, zero in 06 and so far four in 07. Other than that, I went bowling once and watched a ton of movies.
I have had some of the most marvelous dreams the past few days. (And no, I didn't die in any of them. This wasn't one of my dreams from Freshman year of high school. But seriously I had some kind of death wise back then. I even wrote a suicide note back then, just incase. And no I'm not joking. I was really fucked up in the head back then and I seriously considered killing myself quite frequently.) But yeah, I have had some fantastic dreams.
What would you like to order?
I'd like a filet minon, medium well with a side of some Cuban ass and make it nice and plump please. Thank you.
I was never a huge fan of Vida, but this one photoshoot, it is spectacular. Kind of classy and she looks pretty, not slutty. I like.
I have become a greasey Guido chef. Last week I made a lagagna casserole which had 40 minutes of prep time and tonight I made a chicken parmesan casserole with 30 minutes of prep time. I will only cook Italian meals while wearing a Guinea T. Add those meals to the pasta and the minestrone and I am a fucking Goomba. God, I love it.
My STAT 225 TA has the face of a young
(note: in this picture she is 45.)
Here is the young
at the ripe age of 20 along with her notebook in which she was working out venn diagrams. See, I made a connection!
But seriously, I'd hit it. Add that to the fact that she's a fifth year PhD student in statistics, and I'm aroused, intimidated, but aroused.
And yes, after Twin Peaks season two is released there will be a massive entry on the show filled with many (sexy) pictures.
For Spring Break the roomate and I are 98% sure we're going to Cancun. Two other guys were supposed to come, which would make it cheaper and more fun, but I'll have my own bed for all the nights and it's two less people for me to get pissed off at. Either way, it should be a blast. Maybe I'll try to approach those female creatures known as broads? Well, the cost is all inclusive so I'll be drinking shitty Mexican beer and Tequila the entire time I'm there. That could possibly raise my confidence.
Give me drunk girls or give me death.
Both are highly likely in this situation and I anticipate both with wide open arms.