(no subject)

Jun 11, 2005 22:15

Okay. I got back from NC today. It was a nice trip. Very relaxing... I got carsick on the way back down the mountain because I was trying to play Golden Sun: The Lost Age in the car (Never claimed to be the most brilliant being in existance, did I?). I couldn't get my learner's permit because my stupid passport expired in JANUARY... WTF? It's not like I changed all my information in less than 6 months, I mean come ON! That's just ridiculous. And the guy filling out my papers didn't even notice until the last second. I wanted to beat his sorry ass over the counter... But I managed to with-hold my wrath, and instead planted upon some unsuspecting baddies in GS.

My sister got a new hat... A pimp hat... Let me repeat that. A PIMP hat. My mother is agreeing with me on this one. And so is my neighbor. OMG. I couldn't believe it when she picked it out. I stared at her and said. "It's... a pimp hat..." o__O She still says that it isn't one but... No matter how much you deny that water is wet, it still is.

Now for a quiz-mabobber that I kidnapped from teh Plush. (I got her into Golden Sun *le cackle*)

What Golden Sun Adept Are You?

Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
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