May 05, 2006 14:03
- I'm substituting a physics class right now, they're watching a movie about the moon landing hoax, they are taking notes for extra credit...this is so freakin' awesome, I wish I could spend every Firday subing Mr. Bierce's classes. I guess he was sick or something today so I offered to give up teaching chemistry today to subbing his Earth Science and Physics classes for the day. His Earth Science classes were a little more challenging because these guys actually had to take notes and turn them in at the end of the class period as an assignment, not extra credit, so I had to go around and make sure they did them...boy were they a handful. But the physics classes have been a breeze. At least half of them are paying attention to the film while the other half are quietly talking or working on something else. It is absolutely awesome. And I'm getting paid $100 for today alone...mwahhahahaha.
- So I had to give the health center some of my blood today so that they can check to see if I have diabetes or thyroid or something detrimental to my health...I don't think I spelled detrimental correctly...oh well. Anyways, I was kind of nervous about is this morning, like I always am giving blood through a needle...come to think og it, how else would they take blood from my body except through a needle, you know without bashing my over the head with a baseball bat which would cause me to bleed profusely from my head...went a little too far with that one, moving i was really nervous this morning,my stomach was even feeling kind of queasy...and then I realized: I have to learn to give blood and deal with needles like they don't bother me because I have my babe, who absolutely cannot take them, see them, hear about them, without feeling even worse than i I decided this morning that i was going to give my blood and it would be no big deal...and it wasn't!!! Thanks to babe's faintious attitude toward needles (he actually has fainted because of needles and giving blood more than once...poor thing :() I have overcome my fearof needles because I felt I had of us has to be able to deal with needles, so I guess it has to be me...yeah for me!
- I'm going to watch the high school's production of "Once Upon a Mattress" tonight. It's apparently a musical and I'm kind of excited because i have never seen it before, anywhere and this high school has a pretty good theater cast to put it on for us. Babe was supposed to come with me to see it tomorrow night, but unfortuantely he has three finals next week and he feels he isn't ready, so he's not goig to be able to make it :(. I'm sure he'll do fine because he's been working so hard this quarter to get good grades in his classes, so I'm sure he'll do great:)
- I am going to an Earth Science Workshop for teachers tomorrow to get some info on teaching about hydrogen fuel cell cars and what not. We're supposed to get paid $100 and get $400 worth of lab equipment, so I hope it's good. I'm actually going with a couple of other teachers from Ramona, so hopefully it will be 6 hours well spent.
By the way, substituting is AWESOME!!!!! :) :)