May 01, 2004 22:59
parents came down to visit today, they brought some food with them, always good. They were suggesting that since i hadn't been looking for jobs and missed a lot of them i should do a masters. what the hell? i don't think so, at this point in my life i don't think more education is what i need.
cos of my parents visit i didn't get to do any work during the day, did some in the afternoon, i should still be on campus doing it since i haven't done any all day but emily left to go have drinks with tammy basically cos tammy made her feel guilty about not wanting to cos she hasn't got the end of exams to celebrate and has got to revise, but tammy doesn't give a fuck does she, self centred bitch. anyway she went so did louise i stayed for a bit afterwards but people were all over the place and i couldn't be bothered, which isn't good since i'm fucked anyway and should be done shit loads of revision.
I'm disappointed that once again adrian and lou have gone to bed early again leaving me with no one to hang out with. after i've been revising for ages its nice to just chill with people after for a while. its really shit having to come home and sit on your own after doing loads of revision, its really demoralising and makes me sad. its like it used to be, me on my own whenever i'm at home.