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Jul 23, 2006 08:21

Spent another day in hospital on Wednesday. With my high blood pressure I had to keep my eye on any swelling I had and by Wednesday evening my feet were huge so I rang in and they asked me to go in just for a check up. Was supposed to be 20mins on this monitor but after 2 hours they decided to keep me in over night. The problem was Araya's heartbeat kept dropping really low and although she was very active they were a bit concerned. I wasn't keen at all on staying in and when me and Scott went to the car to get my overnight bag I just stood crying. Anyway we eventually went up on to the ward and the nurse showed me to my bed, it was about 11.30pm so Scott couldn't really stay long and visiting times weren't til 10am but he said he'd be there. After he'd gone I settled in as much as I could even though it was red hot then a few minutes later one of the women in the bay started labouring so it was kind of hard to sleep. They took her down to the delivery ward then at 2am one of the others started lol. She was still on the ward when I woke up at 5am but they took her down shortly after that.

Thursdya morning they put me back on the monitor and thankfully the heart beat and movements were all fine but they wanted me to have another ultrasound scan just incase. I went for that at 9.20am and I was gutted that Scott had to miss it, I asked about waiting for him but they said that they wasn't sure when the next slot would be so I went down on my own. Everything was fine and she's still a girl lol. I'm supposed to be 36weeks given my expected date but from measuring the baby she's saying she's 37 weeks already so either the original date was wrong (which makes sense) or she's a big baby. I think that with me being so poorly through the first 3 months perhaps she wasn't as big as she should be so they put me a week behind and now she's caught up to her proper size, but we'll see she could be here any time now lol. Bless him, true to his word Scott was there bang on 10am. I wasn't much expecting it cuz he doesn't usually get out of bed til 11am and he'd been at the hospital since midnight. I showed him the scan picture (which I'll post on here once it's been scanned) he was really taken by it hehe. When visitin hours ended we went and sat downstairs so we could spend more time together. I was hoping to get out at 2pm but unfortunately the doctor wasn't out of theatre so Scott had to leave me because he had to get to work. I was finally discharged at 5.30pm and my mum picked me up.Since I got home I've been trying to take it easy, not much else I can do cuz I'm so big now, just ballooned quickly and my stomach is solid, it's so uncomfortable and with the hot weather, meh. So really the sooner I have her, the better.

Friday night we took my mum and dad out for their wedding anniversary, ended up being mum, dad, me, Scott, Kodie and Gary. It was a nice night and everybody was so full afterwards could barely walk lol. Last night we went over to Pauline's to see her and Peter as we'd not seen them for almost a month and we had house stuff to sort out with them. Nana and Grandad were also there then later on Nick and Zoe turned up but unfortuantely Nick had to leave cuz his brother was in some trouble so he went to fetch his mum. We took Zoe and Rebel (the dog) home and had a look round her house cuz we'd not seen it yet. It's really nice and you can see how happy Zoe is so that's lovely :) She's really excited about the baby too hehe.

Scott's back at work today so I think I'm gonna go and chill out at my mums. I hate being on my own all day. Hope everyone else is ok.

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