Quote for the day: " i oughta give myself paper cuts with a valentines day card" -
Jimm Yeah...today was blah.
German we started our midterm, which is completely oral. I'm...afraid. English we watched a video on the Black Death. Gorey goodness. ENH I read "The Veldt" by Ray Bradbury, and it was awesome. Short Story we started our second midterm essay, but I didn't feel well, so I went to the nurse. Physics we worked on review questions.
And now I'm home, talking to Jimm. Him and I are going to do a project together-a little stop-motion animation film. I'm going to write it and do the voice for the female character, and he's going to film it, animate it, and play himself. I'm really flattered that I'm the one he asked to do this. I may start writing the script this week, but I probably won't record the voice part until next week-I need to dig up a microphone, and software to do it with.
At the moment though, I'm NOT happy. My brother is sick in complicated ways that I can't and don't want to explain here. And I was SUPPOSED to go to Jim's next week, but now that may not happen because Christian probably can't work the 8th, 9th, and 10th, and Mary has a meet that Saturday, so Liza is uncomfortable with me spending the night if they're leaving in the morning. Merde. Poo. Sheisse. Shit. If it doesn't happen, I'm going to be a very sad little doom cookie...I was going to get fit for my ring. Plus, I just haven't seen him, etc...
Meh. I have Englishy work to do, so I guess I'll do that soon. I still feel horrid, though. Jim felt sick yesterday, too, so I think one of us probably gave the other something, since our symptoms were the same.
I think I'll vacuum and take a short nap soon. Später.