(no subject)

Feb 03, 2005 18:45

So ever since I got back to school i have been overwelhmed. I feel like this has been the bigest flurry of a month i have ever witnessed. I am competing for a seat in the Varsity A boat, I am taking all 400 level classes that are kicking my butt, the addition of SMP into my scedual, we changed housing, there has been the boy stress with well... the now 2 boys.... and Breakaway - trying to finish and fill up all 16 spring break trips we organized. And feeling in every area completely incompitant and just seeing insufficencies. I feel as if I do so many things, but i dont do any one thing well.
It all culminated with our meeting today for OCO cabinate and me breaking down in tears. Litterally sobbing when it got to when i had to talk and then through the entire time we were praying. And it made me think - if i had gotten a little preview, seen ahead of what this day, this month would have been like I would have said "o hell no" find someone else to do your ministry. But in essence, vulernability is where you can be most loved. It is where you grow the most. And lets be honesty vulnerability comes mainly with negitive experiances, sharing something of yourself that is hard. But these are the moments that bring growth, these are the things that make true freinship, this is what people who call themselves Christians should be doing, sharing vulnerablities and then the others should be gathering around saying, we love you anyway. Anyway, this is a surface level of what has been my past month. Now that I am drained from phsycially, emotionally and mentally I am going to sit with my roomates watch mindless tv and then work out again.
So what I'm saying is realtionships, and tons of things came out of this excursiating experience. So i wouldnt give it up for the world.
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