I like to breed my shinies, don't know why but I've never really had the patience to grind away with random encounters and the pokeradar?? Forget that, I had very minimal success with it in Pearl/Platinum and I'm unbelievably bad in Y.
I tend to collect three boxes of eggs then hatch them in Lumiose City using that wedging your analogue stick to one side so you just cycle round trick. I kind of feel bad forcing my Pokemon to breed for a shiny, I feel like a puppy farmer or something...
I've been working on a shiny trade with
hebilea who seems to have obscene luck in her Friend Safaries - I will be trading shiny mudkip, cubchoo and vanillite for dewgong, woobat and swadloon <3
First up, mudkip:
One of two shinies hatched within the first 90 eggs, this cute little guy will be going to his forever trainer soon <3
Very blurry vanillite ^^; Didn't realise how bloody hard to could be to photograph these buggers XD She hatched within about 190 eggs.
Caught a random snap:
Sooo sleepy looking <3 Maybe a Jigglypuff is singing nearby...
Now cubchoo...
Smile all you want you little sod... nearly 800 eggs this little so-and-so took to hatch. Can't be mad at that cute face though - so happy ^^
He really loves having his snot petted - whatever makes him happy I guess.
My bf wants a shiny cubchoo too so back to hatching... my beartics must be knackered.
I'll try and photograph some more of my shinies as soon as I shift this blasted cold. I haven't had a cold for nearly 2 years and this one has totally knocked me for 6.
At least I have the Olympics and Pokemon to keep me occupied XD