hero worship

Dec 10, 2004 20:09

...but sometimes all it takes is a wink or a nod from some an unexpected place to vary the tedium of a baffling existence.
-Bob Dylan, Chronicles, Volume I

This morning as I was walking out of IMPE that line was resonating through my cranium. It had been for the past two or three hours, ever since I put the book down after reading it. There was a thump to it, a clicking, a truthful ringing that unfolded with the natural ease of great wisdom. Maybe i'm wrong -and if i'm wrong i'm not alone- but I would not hesitate to say that Bob Dylan is an artistic genius, a living legend.

This last line left me with something, a mental schema, this was feast for thought. I repeated it over and over again like a kid shaking an upside-down cookie jar looking for the last crumb. Bob Dylan give me some of your wisdom, show me the meaning of your words. Across the street a man pedalling a unicycle wobbled down the sidewalk, an unexpected wink varying the tedium of my life. Suddenly existence became slightly more delightful, slightly more baffling.
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